Before you begin

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 Alright everyone, for all the big talk in the summary, this is a work of FANfiction, meaning that it's not real, and I don't own any of the worlds I'm borrowing. I'll only say it once, I'm not JKR (too much drama for my poor heart) or Rick Riordan or Kohei Horikoshi. Apart from the plot, some ideas, and my OCs, I don't own shit concerning this (did I mention there would be swearing? Now I did.)

Now that that's done, lemme break this down. So there are going to be three main sections of the book:

1.  Alexander's Beginning Act(ABA), focusing mainly on Greek myths and how differently they would have gone with Alex in charge. This will probably be the longest or second longest arc since we have almost 1200 years of history before we even reach the Roman Empire proper(we won't cover all 1200 years of course, expect major timeskips here) . So buckle in for this if you're here for the MHA/Harry Potter side of it. Yeah, no Percy here either.

2. The Wizarding World Act, where Alexander and the Night Raid will infiltrate the wizarding world to defeat Voldemort. In my version, Hecate created the wizarding world and demigods are not immune to magic (that was Bullshit Rick, with a capital B). It starts in Harry's  5th year and this will be the shortest arc. It is also based off another series off mine called Half blood twins so during that period I'll be updating both at the same time. This means that if I finish ABA first, I'll take a slight hiatus. Also means you'll need to read that one first before we finish ABA(link -->   or just use #danielallen to get my stories). No Percy here, but we get to see a younger Sally.

3. the longest arc of all (probably), the Quirked World Arc. Here, Alex, Sally, tiny baby Percy, Zoe and  Team Alpha will leave Earth 3603 to Earth 451 where our broccoli haired cinnamon roll awaits us. In this version Izuku befriends Percy and another of my OCs - Todoroki's sis(still need a name that doesn't sound weird to me when translated to English, suggestions are appreciated but I digress)- and refuses OFA to try and be the world's first Quirkless Hero. IzuOcha may still happen, jury's out for that one or one of my ideas. Incase you're wondering, our other demigod friends and enemies aren't out of the equation. I just love making heroes work for their shit, so how does everyone feel about a Symbol of Evil/Crooked One team-up? (just realized they both twisted their successors as an attack to their good guy relatives before possessing them so who knows, Tomura may have hope just yet) To be fair, Alex is a fu*king Olympian. What did you want to read, OP MC breezing his way through non-entities while flirting with his girl who is just as OP? Nah fam. Alex and co. are gonna work for this shit.

With all said and done, I'm pleased to announce that Night Raid will be uploaded...very soon. Not really good with this update thing. But I'm working on it, promise.

Night RaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon