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(110 BTW)

Aphrodite's PoV

"SHUT UP!" Kronos yelled at me as I felt a sharp pain across my cheek. Shocked, I fell to the floor of the cave that I called my home, ignoring the prickly feeling of the rocks on my skin or the tears that had started to drip. The rocks didn't hurt of course, but I was still reeling from the slap, Alexander's crying not doing much to help.

"Listen here girl," Kronos sneered as he bent down to look me in the eye, holding Alexander by the neck to try and stop the wailing, the kindness and care in his eyes no more as a crazy glint appeared in his eyes. "You had one job! Give me a fucking Titan child, and I'll bring you onto Mt Orthys with all the glory you would ever want. But you can't even do that simple task, can you? No, you just had to give me the most powerful one of them yet!"

"I-I c-can't con-control it..." I said softly, realizing that the man I had fallen in love didn't exist. That was just a mask to hide the crazy man that ruled the world now. This world was completely and utterly fucked.

"Bullshit!" He yelled standing up and delivering a massive kick to my torso that started Alexander's tears anew, which was strange, seeing as by now he should have developed a bit to stop yelling. I couldn't focus though as I curled in on myself and took the beating with as little sound as possible, determined not to give him the satisfaction of my sobs.

After what felt like years but was actually a couple of minutes, he finally had enough and draggged my head up before freezing me in place using his domain. By the time I fell down 3 minutes later, he had gobbled up Alexander and disappeared. That night, I sobbed myself to sleep, crying for my child and my naivety and I dreamt of a time where Kronos still loved me.


(112 BTW)

Aphrodite POV

"Kronos?" I asked stepping out of the cave with a dagger in my hand as I mentally replayed the lie I had incase the Queen of the Pantheon appeared. I was the last daughter of Ouranos' secret affair with Thalassa, and Kronos was helping me adjust to the world before I was to be introduced to the rest of my siblings.

'It is technically true though' I thought to myself as I let out a small smile, thinking of our form of "adjustment to the world," which involved lots of adjustment on the beds.

'Doesn't change the fact that you are sleeping with your sisters husband' the voice in my head said. It had been nagging me constantly since Kronos first suggested the idea to me. I ignored it though as soon as the man I'd been thinking of stepped into my view, holding a Japanese styled box. Now Kronos isn't exactly what I'd call handsome- if I saw him on the street without knowing who he was I'd turn to the other side- but he made up for it in other ways such as his personality, charm and flattery. He knew exactly which words to say that would give him what he wants.

"I got Kagutsuchi on this, and I've got to say, he did a good job" Kronos said as he opened the box to show a beautiful vase, decorated with flowers and doves.

"The most beautiful vase for the most beautiful lady" he said as I gasped, carefully taking out the vase and admiring the design. Satisfied with it, I carefully carried it to my table, placing it in the centre and turning back to place a kiss on his cheek. Apparently not satisfied, he dragged me back, placing a hard kiss on my lips as his hands began to wander....


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