Chapter 5

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Yr 6 TW

Mount Othrys, Greece

A bright flash woke me up as someone began to flash into my room. Preparing an exploding spell and casting a barrier, I finally calmed down when I realized it wasn't an attack by the would-be usurpers, but my spy paying a surprise visit.

"My lady," the spy said as she knelt down at the foot of my bed. Just to be sure, I raised my hand as I cast the spell keeping her tethered to me.

"Imperio," I cast as her eyes glowed blue, confirming the spell was cast. Once that was done, I let down the invisible barrier, but kept my guard up.

"Why are you here? Your next report is in a month." I hissed.

"The Olympians are beginning to suspect a traitor," she said as my anger and frustration grew.

"How the hell did you fuck up now?" I said, preparing plans to make a memory wiping spells, not willing to give them an inch in the war.

"They don't suspect me, my lady. They simply know someone has been leaking the plans from the last mission," the spy said as I blinked in shock.

"T-th...How paranoid are they?" I wondered, thinking about the battle, shuddering when I remembered the Fates' aura of power.

"Very paranoid. Thank the Fates though, as they do not seem to suspect me as a possible traitor," the spy said as I looked at her in shock.

"Are you sure about that? None of them must suspect you," I said as she nodded confidently.

"Very well. You may leave," I said as she disappeared in a flash of light.

Alexander PoV

Yr 6 TW (a month later)

Some forest in Greece

"Well this is fun," I grumbled, looking at the small army of Cyclopes and Hellhounds in front of me, led by Zoë, Aegle and Calypso. I could take care of this in a couple of seconds, but I decided to use the opportunity to clarify some things, having heard of Aegle's reputation as a blabbermouth.

"Kronos check the future for this? Or is the ol' man too scared of my skills in the Time Domain." I boasted, using my Manipulation ability to increase her anger as Aegle gained a slight golden tint to her cheeks, yelling out before anybody could stop her.


"Shut up!" Zoë said as she covered Aegle's mouth as I groaned, almost finding out the reason why the stupid old man doesn't use his domain. Oh well, might as well get this over with.

Slowing down Tie to 1/1000th of a second, I quickly drew θεία τιμωρία as a pair of knives, dashing over to Zoë's neck, going for a fatal cut to the neck that should send her to Tartarus for the next couple of decades. Before I could cut her, Zoë turned back at normal speed, nearly splitting me in half me with her xiphos, my only saving grace being my reflexes as I flashed away.

"What the fuck?" I asked as Calypso smiled.

"Like our new necklaces? We made them with you in mind" she asked as I noticed the hourglass shaped necklaces.

"I'm flattered you think so much of me, but you wouldn't mind telling me what they're for" I teased with a smirk already having an idea of what it does.

"It's a Time Turner," Aegle said

"And..." I said as I used my Manipulation Domain to increase the level of infatuation which was surprisingly not that little, considering the fact that she was on the opposite side of the war.

"Caly made it so that we would be immune from your Time Manipulation, but it only works on the person who wears it." She continued to talk, dropping her sword as I grimaced.

"Stop it Aegle!" Zoë yelled, trying to reach her sister, but I quickly flashed over to her side and gave her a flaming kick, sending her into the path of one of Calypso's spells, this one a vibrant orange as she exploded in ichor and gore.

"ZOË!!" Aegle and Calypso yelled as I felt the Manipulation break apart. Not one to waste a moment, I turned around and set the forest on fire with Greek fire, finishing up with the rest of the monsters, using the fire to destroy Zoë's Time Turner and flashing away.

Alexander's PoV

Yr 6 TW (just after the last part)

Mount Dictus, Crete

"Why didn't you call us?!" Zeus said as I shrugged, having finished relaying the battle I just finished.

"Look on the bright side," I said "We know Kronos is actively trying not to use the Time Domain, I killed a Hesperide and got a lot more info we would have gotten normally. That's a pretty good haul if I do say so myself."

"Sure, forget about the access of land that wouldn't be fertile for the next couple thousand years," Demeter said as I winced.

"Alex is right," Metis said before I could apologize, her calm presence watching over us "We won't have that much time since Kronos will bring her back in the next couple of days. While they're still in shock, we should take the opportunity to start going full force on them, send all our troops out."

"Metis has a point," Zeus said immediately as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Zeus, have you forgotten the reason why we don't send everybody out." I said, thinking of the little children we have running around the mountain. "We can't leave our weak unprotected, especially with a traitor in our midst."

"Agreed," Hades said, backing me up as Here's and Poseidon scoffed.

"You really want to waste this perfectly good chance because you're so paranoid?" Hera said as I raised an eyebrow. Hera was usually all for playing it safe.

"Let's put it to a vote," Rhea said, "All in favour of attacking now raise your hand?" As Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Rhea raised their hands, which was quite weird.

"Very well." Metis said, "we can start attacking in 2 days."

Something weird was going on and I was going to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

Calypso's PoV

Yr 6 TW (that night)

Mount Othrys

"They have fallen for the trap, my lord," I said, boring before Lord Kronos, my spy kneeling beside me.

"Very well done Calypso," Lord Kronos replied to me. "You know the location of their home, and that my treacherous wife will be there?"

"Yes my lord." The spy said "I used Imperio on the most members of the Council and set their positions for the battle. By tomorrow, their little resistance shall fall apart."


So I think I have something of a schedule now. I release a chapter of either Night Raid or ½blood twins every Tuesday, and when they catch up to RDH, add RDH to the update schedule.

What do you think of it so far? Did anyone spot the obvious Harry potter references here? I would have used Circe, but she wasn't born at this point in time. Oh well, it is what it is...See you in 2 wks (hopefully)

But anyway, what are your thoughts on this chapter? Liked it? Leave a kudos and comment. Hated it? I want to hear it in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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