Chapter 2

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0TW (2 weeks after the previous chapter)

Alexander's PoV

"We're about 50 feet from the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires," Phlegethon said as we came to a bend. Even from here, we could the hear the noises of metal on metal.

"Thank you Phlegethon," I said as she nodded.

"It was a pleasure serving you, Lord Alexander," Phlegethon said as she disappeared in a burst of fire.

"Alright," Zeus said, taking the lead, "Poseidon, Alex, let's go. Remember Hades, every night at midnight."

"I remember," Hades said.

"Stay safe," Hestia said as she hugged all three of us.

"We will, 'Tia" I said as the four of them continued following the trail while we moved forward. 

Not even a minute after we left, we heard a yell as five Cyclopes came barreling towards us. I quickly drew some knives, launching all three into one of them, hitting the eye, neck and the kneecap as he burst into dust. I quickly drew out a sword and a spear from the shadows as I lit my fists on fire, charging forward.

"Kronos will reward us greatly for your capture!" The first one I met said, swinging his club at me wildly as I smiled, dodging the hit as I launched a fist into his gut making him flinch slightly.

"We are fireproof, young god," The cyclopes said as another one came from the back, grabbing me in a giant hug and beginning to squeeze as the first one attempted to punch me, setting his club down (he'll never make that mistake again).

I used the second Cyclopes shadow to pull the club into the first Cyclopes face as I added a couple of spikes, turning him into dust. I then brought out a sword from the shadow, using the shadow to cut his head off as I increased the temperature of my flames, burning the Cyclopes body off me as I turned to Zeus and Poseidon.

"The mighty Alexander..." Poseidon said with a shit eating grin as I flipped him off.

"Nearly defeated by a couple of baby cyclopes," he continued as if he hadn't seen the gesture as he and Zeus burst into laughter.

"Fucking idiots," I mumbled as we moved forward, taking out any monster that came our way till we came to a medium sized valley where the sounds were coming from. Down there, we spotted the Elder Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, all six of them working hard as swords, spears, bows, arrows, weapons of all kinds were being gathered by, frankly, the biggest abomination I've ever seen. Said abomination had a vaguely human head, with snakes for hair, a half human body, like a centaur, but with reptilian skin and half dragon, with gigantic claws. Her dragon half was to be black with white stripes down her back. She had huge dark reptilian wings, a huge venom-dripping scorpion tail, and at the point where her halves met, her skin bubbled and morphed, occasionally producing ferocious animals.

"Holy..." Zeus muttered as I could only nod in agreement, looking at the abomination that seemed to be the first obstacle in the war.

I don't know how long I spent looking at her, but I eventually snapped out it, making my way down the valley and hiding behind one of the furnaces so I could call to one of the Elder Cyclopes.

"Psst!" I whispered as one of them turned, spotting me easily. He then picked up a bunch of metal and turning towards the fire as he threw it in.

"Who are you?" he asked with a deep, gravelly voice.

"I am Alexander and I need your help," I said, "We need godly weapons that we can use to fight Kronos."

"We cannot help you then. Kampe, our guard, takes away anything we make as soon as we complete it." the Cyclopes replied with a voice that lacked hope of any kind. It was quite disturbing.

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