Chapter 1

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0TW (300 years after escape from Kronos)

Alexander's PoV

"BEHIND YOU!" Hades called as I twirled around, raising my daggers up to block Hyperion's sword pushing upwards and jumping towards Hyperion getting into his guard and slashing his arms. 

"Thanks bro," I called as I threw one of my knives at Atlas while moving away as Hades, Poseidon and Zeus joined me and the three Titans came in front of us.

"Switch?" Zeus asked as all of us nodded. I then ran towards Atlas as Poseidon stabbed at Hyperion with his spear and Hades and Zeus engaged Iapetus. 

Once I got to about three feet in front of Atlas, I slipped under the javelin and him while stabbing both kneecaps and appearing behind him, delivering a quick stab to the back of his neck, killing him.

After taking a minute as a breather, I dived back into the fight helping Poseidon with Hyperion, the two of us wearing down the Titan with every clash as well as me throwing a couple of knives to keep him on his toes. As expected, after nearly twenty minutes of fighting, Hyperion finally overextended, a fatal mistake I took advantage of, entering his guard and delivering a swift stab to the neck as the golden ichor spurt out, killing the last Titan, seeing as Hades and Zeus had finished with Iapetus.

"Alright boys, I think you're ready now" Rhea said as the four of us slumped onto the floor in relief. 

These past 300 (actually 100 years to the rest of the world, time powers and all)  years had been filled with one training after the other. The three Titans Mom had 'recruited' were very helpful, sparring to the death with us and training us on how to use our preferred weapons. We hadn't originally planned on including the girls, but they were very stubborn about it saying that it was their fight too. After about five years, we relented and their training began, Zeus and I driving them harder than everyone else to try and get them to quit. 

Unfortunately (or fortunately, I'm not even sure), the girls proved quite proficient at fighting, even Hera. While doing this, we also began to recruit people for our cause, gaining a fairly respectable amount considering the circumstances. We had around fifty thousand hellhounds, a hundred telekhines who craft most weapons for the army, all of Atlantis' two hundred thousand soldiers (Oceanus was so kind as to join us, we didn't even need to use Mom's girdle) and a couple of Titans. Apart from Oceanus, we managed to turn Metis (Titaness of quick thinking and Zeus' not-so-secret lover), Hecate (Titaness of Magic and the Mist), Iris, Thaumus and Electra Helios and Selene (sun and moon respectively) Asteria and Phoebe (stars and the Oracle respectively). Weirdly, everyone seemed to accept Zeus and I as the leaders of this revolution thing, which Zeus accepted with gusto and I with resignation, planning all our endeavors, every time we Olympians left the cave a calculated risk to make sure a.) we weren't caught and b.) we made sure most of the 300 years I had bought us were used to its maximum.

With all these fighters and the army that wasn't so small compared to what we were expecting, we were feeling quite optimistic about the upcoming war. Of course, we weren't just looking for a narrow win, we wanted Kronos to suffer for eating us. Hence our trip tomorrow to the only place were we can find the firepower to deal with him appropriately.

"Remember," Rhea was saying to us, "Kronos has most likely sent guards to stop any of them from helping you. You'll need to kill them and make sure they don't interfere with the war."

"Yes ma'am" we all said as we dispersed, all of us going to rest for what was going to b no doubt a long couple of days.


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