Chapter 3

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Yr. 5 TW  


Alexander's PoV

"KNOCK KNOCK" I yelled loudly as I launched a fireball into one of the monster camps for Kronos' Army. For the past 5 years, we've been focusing on cutting off resources for the Titan side, attacking their monster camps and mining operations, and taking the spoils for ourselves. This camp was a bit more than we've been handling, with the 5 Hesperides also here, (a rare occurrence), so I brought along Hecate to help with the raid, as well as 50 hellhounds. 

I quickly set the hellhounds on the monsters, Hecate and I heading for the tent where the Hesperides stayed. About 50 feet away, a hail of arrows came from the tent, but I quickly burnt the real one as Hecate dispelled the illusions.

"Calypso wasn't supposed to be here. Should we still continue?" Hecate asked. I was kinda popular for retreating at the slightest hint of things going south, not ready to push things too far. But this time, I used my Time domain to check possible futures.

"No." I said, seeing a good one and following what we did there. "Hecate, separate the 5 Hesperides and pick them off. I'll handle Calypso."

"Okay," Hecate said, waving her hand as she used the Mist to hide herself. Once she had gone, I said out loud

"Stop Calypso," I said as she revealed herself in front of me with a knife in her hand.

"Alexander, bastard son of Kronos and leader of this little 'rebellion'," Calypso sneered as I quirked a small smile.

"Calypso, the second most powerful mage and the only one of the Titans. How's the old man on Othrys?" 

"Making small talk with the enemy," she said "Are you trying to stall for time?"

"Sorta" I admitted "But I assumed you'd prefer a fight." Before kicking sand until the air and her eyes, pulling out my godly weapon (now named θεία τιμωρία because why the fuck not?) in the form of twin daggers. While she was blinded, I stabbed at her gut only to be blocked by a magical shield.

"Fucking magic" I mumbled, putting opening a shadow in front and using it as a portal into her shadow to attack from behind, but she had already recovered and cast a spell producing blinding light. Prepared for it, I covered my eyes and made a ring of fire stroking me while waiting for the light to go back to normal. As soon as it did, I launched a Greek fireball at her but was stopped as the two of us froze from neck downwards. 

"Alexander, son of Kronos, Calypso daughter of Atlas" three voices said as three old ladies appeared in between the two of us.

"Who are you?" I said, trying to move even a little bit but whatever they did was beyond any of our power levels.

"We are the Fates, daughters of Chaos." The one on the right said as my eyes widened. All deities were born with a certain amount of knowledge in their heads. Their domain and all they need to know about the world (Why Zeus didn't spend a couple years teaching us Greek) and the 5 beyond that started it all; Chaos, Order and the Fates. While Chaos and Order are essentially the rulers of the multiverse, the Fates are the writers. They decide what happens, when it happens, how it happens and everything else.

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