Part 7- Where America goes Apeshit

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(Thank you to my friend who always urges me to update for doing this.)

That smack could really be considered the seconds shot heard around the world. Quite literally, all of the nations were silent. The only noise flooding through was the palpable anger in Alfred who started not to yell, but scream his guts out.

"What the fuck?!! What went through your fucking tea damped, loose leaves brain! You really thought it was ok to do that to a child! Nay, a toddler to fucking erase my memory and never mention, oh yeah your memory was erased cause I didn't want to deal with a whining child! You asshole! I wanted to believe you had good intentions when you locked- when you did all of that! You don't deserve happiness! You- you fucking asshole!"

At that point Matthew had to physically restrain the man from going harder on him. England looked devastated but Alfred didn't care, his own brother decided to hurt him and not even repent. He kept shouting even when his lungs went scratchy. Everyone else's voices blurred until all he could see was red.

He really had no idea what was going on until he felt another pair of arms on him, and then the pair behind him left. The room was warmer, and a soft voice spoke to him, "America it's ok. You're safe now, let it all out."

Let what out? Where was he? He struggled to even get in focus again and it was a slow and blurry thing. First he saw a tanned face, covered by messy brown hair and a small curl sticking out on the side. It took actual thought to realize who was in front of him, "Italy..?"

"Yes! Are you ok America? You were yelling and when Canada held you, you started to cry! Everyone is so worried about you. I'm here to help though! And so is Canada! Oh, oh, here take this." Italy have him a wooden mug full of water.

His brother spoke up, "we're in a home now instead of a primitive cabin but I'm not sure how clean the water here is so I boiled it."

When Alfred spoke he could feel how bad his throat felt so he considerably softened his voice, "Thank you..." and slowly drank the water. Italy started talking again, "You went through a lot. I hope you're feeling better. England should've never done that to you. No one should! What in god's name was he thinking? You were right to stand up to him like that."...that was unexpected. Yeah Alfred knew well Italy would take his side but never like this. Not outright saying that he was right. Matthew's reaction was a bit more like him,

"I know England had to do it for a good reason. He may not seem to care for you but he does. He really wouldn't just remove a toddlers memory. I'll talk with him later about it."

Italy looked at him like he was crazy, "No! There's no reasoning for someone like that. Honestly if Fratello did that I would disown him on the spot and he would agree with me! No matter how much pleasing England will do America don't back down. Letting someone step over you like that is the worst thing possible!"

Alfred tried to put in his response but Matthew seemed to getting a little edgy, "You don't know him. England probably didn't want Alfred to live with that trauma of accidentally burning an entire village down."

"Ok?? Then when he's old enough tell him?! England obviously knew that Alfred was with other people. Or even better give him to Sweden and Finland! Not that hard!"

When Matthew was going to rebuttal, Alfred intervened he was tired and sick of an already raising argument. He already was in one today, "stop it! Both of you are right In your own ways but I'm not going to just immediately accept what happened or disown him. I'll find out what happened and based on that then I'll publish my response." His voice hurt so so much but he didn't want anything else to be spread about him. He wanted to rest and eat dammit.

Matthew and North Italy looked sheepish and embarrassed and for good damn reason. Alfred continued when there was no response, "so please...thank you for your advice but please let me figure this out...and let me have some food too? I don't think I've had anything since the gumbo."

Italy lights up at the prospect of making pasta and quickly confirms as such by rushing into the supposed kitchen and bringing out pots.

Matthew stayed behind and gave a few words, "I'm sorry Alfred...I wish this didn't happen. If it puts you at ease just know I don't blame you for what happened. We were young and dumb."

Alfred smiled slightly, "Thank's good to know you will always have my back."

"You're my brother how could I not?"

"Of course."

"I'll have to make sure everyone else isn't losing heads over this we forced them into their rooms so they wouldn't hound you."

"Go off and be the hero for me Mattie."

Matthew chuckled and left Alfred alone with a blanket to comfort him and his thoughts to smother him

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