A Lonely Life

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It's been a long day, and Gerard just wants to go home already.

He promised Mrs. Rodriguez he'd have her car by the end of the day, and Ray had to go home to his pregnant wife so now he has a million more things to do, and on top of that, doing payroll and weeks' worth of paperwork. He hasn't even had lunch, and now he's not in a great mood.

Especially not when the phone starts ringing.

'The Other Way Car Services, how can I help you?' Gerard answers, already knowing that it's going to be a long night and he'll go home late tonight.

'Yo, Gee!' It's his brother. Of course. 'Finally!'

Gerard isn't really in the mood to put up with him right now. 'What do you want, Mikes? And why don't you just call me on my phone?'

'Well, that's what I've been trying to do, but you don't answer.' Shit, it's probably dead by now, somewhere in the shop.

'I've been busy.'

'Sucks to be you, man.' Mikey thinks he's funny. As if Gerard doesn't already know. And to make it worse, he's most likely just calling him for some stupid reason, like to invite him to play D&D with the guys or something. Gerard doesn't have time for that. 'Anyway – the reason I'm calling you is to see if you want to come and have dinner with us. Your nieces miss you, and they keep asking about Uncle Gee.'

'I –' Gerard doesn't even know what to say. He misses his family too, and he wishes he could go and see them more often. But it's not that easy. He's not as lucky as Mikey, who after hanging out with some of his musician friends started working for them as roadie, and at some point he started making a lot of money. Yes, Mikey did offer Gerard a job, but he couldn't leave their dad alone just like that. And now their lives can't be more different. 'Thank you, man. Really. But I don't think I can go today, I'm sorry.'

'C'mon, Gee –'

'I'm sorry, it's just not the best day. I'm by myself today, Toro had to go and check on Christa. And I still have to do a lot of shit.'

'You need a break, bro.'

'I know.'

There's a brief silence, and Gerard wishes he could just say fuck it, and leave everything there. He deserves to have a nice family dinner. But Mrs. Rodriguez should be here soon, and unfortunately there's no way he can have that New York guy's car ready until tomorrow, so he'll have to call him –

'Shit!' he doesn't realize he said it out loud until he hears Mikey laugh. Because just now he realized what he did.

He asked that guy out.

Just like that.

As if he actually has a chance with someone like him.

Judging by his car, the dude is loaded. He's cool, with all his tattoos and probably a really important job that pays for his expensive clothes. He's probably not even gay. And if he is, there's no way he'd go out with someone like Gerard.

A fucking mechanic.

What was he even thinking?

'Okay, I gotta go,' he tells Mikey.

'Fine – but promise me you'll come and visit soon.'

'I promise.'


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