Pizza Date

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'So, what else do I need to know?' Gerard asks, stealing a fry from Frank's bag.

After the show, Frank was starving so they stopped at 24-hr pizza place and sat on Frank's car to eat. 'Let me see,' Frank manages to say with a mouthful of veggie pizza. 'Well, I am vegetarian and lactose intolerant.'

Gerard laughs and it's the sweetest sound ever. Full and contagious. Frank loves it. 'That's good to know.'

'What about you?'

Gerard smiles at him. 'I don't know. I'm pretty boring.'

Gosh, Frank can't believe that for a second. He could just look at him all day long and not get bored. 'You are pretty, you're right about that. But boring, I doubt it.'

'There's nothing interesting about working at the shop all day. I don't really have a life.'

Frank takes a sip from his Coke, and says, 'Bullshit.'

But Gerard doesn't say anything. He just keeps eating, not taking his eyes off of Frank. Fuck, if he only knew the kind of mess he's causing. 'What do you wanna know, then?' he finally asks, when he can no longer stand the silence.

'Anything. Your favorite song, your first pet's name –'

'Are you trying to rob my bank account?'

And he's funny? Frank is already head over heels. And to think he almost didn't give him a chance? Now he's laughing his head off, giggling like a school girl, swooning over this guy. 'You know what I mean.'

'Fine.' Gerard has to take a moment and really think about it. What could be so bad or boring about him? It's not like he killed people or has a secret kid. Or does he? 'I went to art school.'


That's not what Frank was expecting. Not that he doesn't look like he could be an artist, but let's be real. 'No, seriously –'

Gerard doesn't laugh, though. 'I'm being serious. You don't believe me?'

'Not really – '

'Whatever.' Gerard doesn't seem offended, but now Frank regrets having that reaction.

'Wait – are you for real?'

'Yeah. Why would I lie about that? I got into SVA in New York. I wanted to be a comic book artist.'

'Oh, wow!' He is definitely more interesting that Frank had thought. And way more attractive than he was a few minutes ago.

'So what happened? Why didn't you?'

'Well,' Gerard started, looking in the distance, thinking about his response. 'I did try. I even got an internship at Cartoon Network after college, and I was writing something.' He pauses. 'But not everyone is meant to live their dreams. I had to come back home and help at the shop.'

'Oh, shit –' Frank doesn't realize the words come out of his own mouth. He really fucked it up. 'I'm so sorry,' he says, realizing his mistake.

'It's okay,' Gerard tells him, but Frank can hear the strain in his voice.

He just ruined everything. 'No, I shouldn't have asked that. Now you know why I was so quiet that first date.'

But Gerard stops him. 'Hey, it's okay. Really.'

The silence that fills the car is louder than Frank's thoughts, but nothing like it used to be between them before today. It's not uncomfortable at all. More like, calming. They don't need to fill it with nonsense or be weird about it or have to resort to fucking to avoid the awkwardness. And yet, Frank needs to know everything about him. Is he a dog or a cat person? What kind of music does he listen to when he's stressed? Does he have any siblings? What's his favorite book? So many things that he can ask, but now Frank has to be careful with his questions. 'Can I be frank?' he asks, hoping humor works to turn things around.

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