Real Life

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'Shaun, can you send me those files, please?' Frank asks his friend and business partner as he walks back to his office, after what seemed like the longest meeting in history. The next few months are going to be busy as hell, as well as chaotic, and Frank isn't sure he's ready for what's coming. Being back in real life sucks.

Just twenty-four hours ago, he was still in Gerard's bed, cuddled up next to him, and this morning he woke up by himself, and he doesn't like it one bit. He wishes he could get back in his car and drive back to Belleville, but just thinking about being stuck in traffic makes him want to punch the wall. He's not sure how he's going to survive until he can see Gerard again.

Unfortunately, all he can do right now is lock his office door and get to work.

He knew that getting his dream come true would require a lot of work, and even more once they got successful, but the amount of zoom calls and paperwork he's done in the past few hours should be illegal. He somehow manages to sneak out for a late lunch, only because he's meeting with a producer, and after that, he still has a few hours to go.

'Hey, dude,' Shaun calls him by the door to his office, trying to get his attention. Frank has no idea how long he's been standing there. 'I'm about to head out. You need anything?'

Frank looks up at him, confused. 'Uh – I'm good, thanks.'

'Are you sure?' Shaun sounds worried about him, but Frank isn't quite sure why. 'You've been a little off today.'

'Just stressed. I had no idea the amount of work that came with a successful release.'

'Tell me about it. But, please don't overwork yourself. Just go home and rest and we can continue this tomorrow morning.' Frank agrees, and turns off his computer. 'By the way, Tucker told me something about you bringing a date to the show. I thought we were friends, why didn't I know this?'

The thought of Gerard brings a smile to Frank's face. 'Oh yeah. I thought it'd be cool to introduce him to the band, you know.'

'I bet you got a million cool points thanks to that.'

Frank can't help smirking, because yes, he did. 'I might have,' he says with a giggle as they both walk out of the office.

'Dude! It better not be just one of your tinder dates –'

Frank feels offended that his friend thinks that way of him, but he's got a point. 'No, I think I really like this guy. Like, for real.'

Shaun stops walking and just turns to him, shocked. 'Wow, that's something I never thought I'd hear you say.'

'Shut up!' Frank says, laughing. 'But seriously, I just spent the weekend at his place, and I haven't felt like this in a long time.' Saying it out loud to his friend feels good. Makes it real. 'You think it's too soon to know if he's the one?'

Shaun pats his shoulder. 'Just enjoy the moment, Frankie. But yeah, it might be time to settle down.'

Frank shakes his head at that, happy to have the support of his best friend. He's right, he's getting old and he needs to start taking things seriously. But it's scary. 'Take care, man,' he says and gets in his car.

By the time he makes it home, it's almost nine o'clock, and he's never been more tired.

He doesn't even have the energy to walk all the way to his room, and takes off his expensive shoes and his fancy shirt and throws them on the floor before laying on the couch, wearing just his boxers. It's nights like this one when he'd just scroll through his phone and drink until he passes out, but tonight, he has a better idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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