Chapter 7: The Kiss and meeting the Dark Lord

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Our dinner went great, all of my potential mates were getting along. In fact Tobias already knew Victor, when I had first mentioned him he didn't realize it was the same Victor. Apparently their siblings were mates and they had met in passing. I made dinner and dessert for us and we ate in the garden. The more we talked and the more comfortable we got the closer we felt to each other. At some point after the sun had set we all were laid on our backs looking up at the stars pointing out constellations.

We all froze when we saw a shooting star,

"Make a wish" I whispered and closed my eyes.

I wish for those I consider to be my family to finally come together

We stared at the twinkling lights for a little longer before it was time for everyone to go home.


About a week later I was cuddled between Beth and Amos in one of the loveseats in front of our fireplace. I was dozing in and out of sleep listening to them muttering and whispering to each other.

Suddenly an owl flew through the floo, which in itself is something I'd never seen before. The poor thing dive bombed into the chair next to us making feathers fly into the air around it. The three of us shreaked in surprise and jumped behind the loveseat we were previously sitting in. The dominants in the house rushed into the room at our shriek and ran over to us pulling us away from the knocked out bird. 

"Stupid bird..." I heard Pappa Marcus say, making my eyebrows raise. 

Mamma Ziva walked up to it slowly peering through the mess of feathers and groaned. She reached through and pulled the owl out by its legs before pulling it into her arms. She waved her wand over the owl running a diagnostic before humming and peeling a letter from the owls claws.

"It seems the owl has been exhausted. Maybe it has been trying to find us, gave up and flew into a floo to find us." Ziva said in curiosity. "The letter isn't spelled with anything and there aren't any charms attached to the bird. We should be okay. I'll take the bird to the healing ward to figure out how to heal it and send it on its way. Ezzy I take it you would like to go over the letter in detail before informing us of anything?" she asked. He nodded, taking the letter from her and walking out of the room.

"Marcus calm Amos, Beth and Little Hades, we will be busy for a while" I was still in shock staring at the fireplace then to the place the owl had landed. My breathing was getting heavier and my mind was drifting. I don't know what is causing this. I felt my head move slightly and was suddenly in front of Amos with my face in his hands. He was saying something, or I thought he was, due to his lips moving, but I couldn't hear anything, it was like static on a television, that's all I could hear. My vision was quickly fading and my breathing became more frantic. I froze, everything stopped, my head was beginning to clear, my eyesight returning, the hearing becoming normal, that was when I felt it, a pressure on my lips. My vision finally focused. Familiar dirty blond hair spilled between our faces, handsome brown eyes looked back at me still pressed against me, He hands cupping my cheeks. I sucked in a breath and kissed back, breaking out of my shock. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt his hand leave my cheek and slide to the back of my neck. By the time He pulled away, my breathing was nearly steady but still heightened due to the new sensations I was feeling. My eyes flickered open and darted between his own. Nico? When did he get here? Why was he here? Why did he kiss me? Did this really happen? Where are my Mammas and Pappas? I opened my mouth to ask my questions but he leaned away. I was quickly pulled from his arms and squished between 3 people. Amos, Beth, and Marcus due to their scents.

"Thank gods you're alright" I heard Amos sob against my hair. My ears twitched and my brows curved.

"Why would I not be alright?" I asked

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