Chapter 10: Guest dropping in & Sirius

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A few days passed since the Will reading. Everyone was calming down and the Will was released to the public making the backlash against dumbledore catastrophic. We received a letter from Draco that he wanted to bring his potential mates to meet me, and that we could use this opportunity to try and find Sirius. So we set up a time to meet, which is actually in about 20 minutes. This of course means that Pappa Ezzy panicked and floo called Tobias and Nico who were the only ones available other than Pappa Ezzy himself to give me backup. In his panic he forgot to tell them what was happening, leading to the two of them jumping from the floo with their wands ready to dissipate some people. Which is where we are at currently.

I saw them standing wands raised heavily breathing with their creature features out. Nico had his ear and tail out as well as his fangs and claws while Tobias had feathers sprouting from all over and claws out. I cooed while walking over to them and wrapped my arms around their middles making their creatures calm down. Once they had calmed down they wrapped their arms around me and sank to the ground letting out low rumbles and coos, responding to the attention I was giving them.

"I didn't tell you guys why you had to come over did I?" Ezzy asked, realizing why the freakout happened. I could tell my men looked over my shoulder at him with glares but were too distracted with my happy wiggling at the protectiveness of my potential mates. "Yeah... sorry" they sighed and released me from my hug only to take my hands when they stood and walked closer to my father.

"Not that we are complaining but what was the big emergency?" Tobias asked curiously

"Draco malfoy owled asking us to meet him and his potential mates and I need more dominants here with me to help Hadrian since my mates have gone to work/school. Plus we are going to be discussing Sirius, a very important topic to Little hades and he will need the extra emotional support." Pappa Ezzy explained quickly.

"Ah, I see... yeah a little warning would have been nice but I understand" Tobias said, kissing me on the cheek. Before leaning away, only to cough and have a feather fly out and float around, making everyone stop and look at it. I was the first to crack, bursting into giggles, and was soon joined by Nico who rustled Tobias' hair while laughing, making Tobias blush and roll his eyes. Pappa Ezzy was chuckling and rolling his eyes when he looked up at the clock and grabbed my potential mates shoulders and pulled them to the couches that were in the sitting room pulling me with them. We sat and waited, and at exactly 10 pm a snap sounded and 4 people appeared in the den. I recognised the platinum blond hair anywhere and spotted him sprawled on the floor from the force of the portkey. The other 3 jumped to help him up but he swatted their hands away, until Tom got fed up and lited him up from under his arms and placed him back on his feet. Draco stood there for a second before muttering a thank you and turned to me, noticing the 4 of us standing there with amused eyes.

"Right! Hello!" he said, tilting his head with a smile. I giggled and shook my head before walking over and hugging Draco who was surprised for a moment before giving in and hugging back. When I backed away I saw the immediate look of want from the other 3 men and quickly made my way back to my companions.

"It's a pleasure to see you Draco, Tom, and though I know who you are I can only get who is who due to your drastic changes in appearance" I said breaking the ice. Everyone took their seats at that point. Draco and tom sat in the middle of the couch and a medium height brownish haired man with sharp eyebrows sat to their left while an inky black haired man with a sharp nose sat on their right, which was next to Draco. "Now my deductive skills are subpar but i'd guess you are severus" I said pointing to the inky black haired man. "And you are Barty?" I asked, doing the same to the other man. They nodded.

"Great! In case you haven't guessed, I'm Hadrian Cromwell, formerly Hadrian James Potter. My pappa Ezzy is to my far right and to my direct right is one of my potential Mates Nico Garaldi and to my left Tobias T. Fauna. Welcome to the Cromwell Manor" I said, taking over the host role.

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