Chapter 16: Surprises

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"School starts tomorrow, are you ready?" A voice broke me from my reverie. I sat in the garden, my head tilted back with my eyes closed, soaking in the sun.

"I am ready. Though I wish I could skip it..." I admit, "I have never had a good experience within schools, not even in the muggle schooling I attended," .

"This will be different love," Max responded as he took a seat behind me and wrapped his arms around me so I could lean back.

"But what if it isn't..." I asked. "What if the bullies are just as bad, what if the teachers don't see..."

" You forget, Charlie's a teacher," Max immediately eased my anxiety.. "He will always see. He will always help you. And Theo and I will be by your side through it all. We've already asked the headmistress to put us in classes together. She could guarantee at least one of us will be with you at all times. You are thinking too much about the what-ifs," Max cooed, making me calm down a little. His words always ground me.

"Maxy's right. We would never let anything happen to you," Charlie's melodic voice rang out as a soft thud sounded next to us.

"Plus, you get to come home at the end of every day. It's not like Hogwarts, where you are away from your family."

"But, if you still feel like you don't like it, we can always have you test out of school and go right into an apprentice program." Pappa Amos' voice interjected. I opened my eyes and looked over. There on the pathway walking toward us was Pappa Amos, with Pappa Marcus not too far behind.

"Just give it a few weeks. I know you haven't been away from home very much since we rescued you, at least not without us, and it's gonna worry us most definitely. However, we also know that we should push you to try new things. If you don't like them, at least you experienced it." Pappa Marcus said, wrapping his arms around Pappa Amos.

"Okay," I mumbled, tilting my eyes down.

"Don't worry kiddo, everything will turn out fine." Pappa Marcus patted my head.

I let out a begrudging sigh and nodded. Internally, the battle was still raging. But externally, it was not. At least it will get them off my back.

I'm far too stressed to really process anything. I know I've been to the school before and met the headmistress, but my past dealing with the educational system is attacking me mentally.

The entire day, one of my mates is holding my hand or cuddling me, trying to calm my nerves... but even that hasn't helped.

And now the morning of... I don't know what to think...

"If it's causing him this much stress, I don't think this is the best idea," I overheard Mamma Beth say from the kitchen. I decided to escape my mates for the time being and sneak around the hallways.

I stopped a little ways away from the kitchen and eavesdropped.

"Amos, can you honestly say this is not stressing you out? You are pre-shedding and your eyes are in slits. Your hair is practically standing on end. That is not good for you in your condition..."

"I can't help it. My baby is leaving for school, and I can't be there..." Pappa Amos' voice cried.

"Amos, you're too fragile right now. You are in the early stages of pregnancy, please... at least try to relax."

Pappa Amos is... oh my god. I'm gonna have a sibling... I'M GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!

I let out an excited squeak and ran around the corner, hugging my Pappa Amos. My parents were in shock at my sudden appearance.

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