Chapter 13: Capture and Trials

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The next morning was definitely something to take note of. I woke to the sound of bustling in the house. To be honest it scared me for a moment. Waking up to unknown noises in your home can be quite disconcerting. I went a little mad trying to figure out what was happening in the grogginess of just waking up until I was tackled back onto my bed by the cuddle monster that is Max. I let out a tired giggle and cuddled him back, only to be joined by our 5 other potential bonds. They chuckled as they enveloped me in warmth. I let out a loud purring sound at the feeling of all of them around me and contently sighed,

"He is just too adorable." I heard Charlie say, making me tilt my head slightly to look at him. He was the one directly behind me that I was laying on. I snuggled against him and felt my ears tuck down comfortably. My six men cooed at me and squeezed me more between them. Victor and Nico were running their fingers up and down my back as my purring got louder. My purring was met by rumbles, grumbles, and hisses from the others. Tobias was nuzzling his nose against my belly, and Theo was wrapped around my legs keeping them warm. I felt my magic hum around all of us sending out a small pulse. I let out a content giggle and asked,

"What are all of you doing here so early?"

"Your Pappa Ezzy called us in for reinforcements when dealing with the old goat. He wanted us here early to calm any possible troubles for you," Victor grumbled out.

"Awe thank you." I cooed, making them coo right back.

"You can cuddle for another 30 minutes, but after that you have to get up. Decide on two of you to accompany him to the alley with the rest of you among the shadows." Pappa Amos' voice called from not too far away.

"Okay," I mumbled snuggling into the warmth surrounding me.

I must have dozed off because when I came to I was covered in cold water as my potentials jumped up in panic.

I rolled off the bed and slid under it hissing.

I heard laughter and began growling. I peaked out from under the bed and spotted a cackling Fred and George pinned against one of the walls by Victor and Nico. I rolled my eyes and came out from under the bed, Max and Theo slid next to me holding me between them.

"To all those who don't know them, these are my technical brothers in all but blood Fred and George, they are pranksters, they have a shop for their pranks in Diagon." I said exasperatedly. "Why they decided to wake us up like that I will never know. They should know not to mess with doms and their subs," I shrugged.

Fred began, "It is all..."

"Just some fun." George smirked.

"Fun," Viktor said sarcastically, dropping Fred. Nico followed and rolled his eyes. Tobias and Charlie joined in our hug as Viktor and Nico walked over to us checking us over.

George began, "You have all the–"

"Attractive men Hades, leave some–" Fred continued.

"For the rest of us." George finished.

"They're mine." I growled. Almost not recognizing myself for a moment.

"Indeed," the twins said in unison.

"Was there a reason you interrupted us, or was it just to greet little snake?" Theo asked with a raised brow.

"Ezekial says to get ready for Diagon, they will go through the plan once you guys join them." The twins said before slipping out the doors.

My potentials looked at me with raised brows and I shook my head.

"Anyone know fast charms?"

"I've got it." Theo said, doing a quick cleaning and drying charm on all of us.

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