Protect Her

616 15 5

(Well Seems like most of the votes prefer the "Sibling-Style" Relationship, a pleasant surprise. Then so shall it be).

Getting the AST's attention, that was the easy part. Now that hard part was keeping that attention while staying alive, that's another story. They were surrounding a building called "10.9" and attempting to set up a perimeter. They have the advantage with their numbers, and ranged weaponry. They are wise not to just storm into where their advantages would be made useless. They will probably wait for her to move and reengage. My goal is to distract them so that when Shidou made his move they would be engaging me. 

Kotori: Just please make sure you came back safe Y/N.

(Y/N): Anything for you. 

Kotori: T-thank you. Good luck.

Luck huh?

(Y/N): In my experience there's no such thing. 

I moved to the top of the building where every AST soldier could see me in my robes as plain as day. 

Cmdr. Kusakabe: Hang on everyone! Unknown has entered the AO! 

Their attention was completely on me now. 

(I'm trying to use their original names that was commented, I hope I get this right).

Kiriya: Wait, it's that guy again!

Mirie: He is getting really annoying!

Cmdr. Kusakabe: Ignore him! Our priority is the Spirit!

(Y/N): Wise decision commander!

She looked at me.

(Y/N): For a fool!

I could tell she was getting pissed. She gritted her teeth 

Cmdr. Kusakabe: Ignore him!

(Y/N): Poor little Commander, can't even take down one guy let alone a full fledged spirit. Maybe that's why she always works and stays forever single.

I could almost hear the sound of glass shattering. She looked at me and her face was contorted with every kind of anger imaginable. 

Cmdr. Kusakabe: Kill. Kill! KILL! KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH! 

All of the AST engaged me. I smirked and took off drawing them away.

Cmdr. Kusakabe: You are not getting away this time!

She took the lead coming after me as they opened fire. I moved from building to building dodging everything they threw at me. As much as my instincts told me to hide. I couldn't If I did and they found "Hermit" They would reengage her. I have to keep their attention. 

Origami: Moving in to engage!

I could feel her presence closing in on me. I spun around and unsheathed my lightsabers, blocking her attack.

(Y/N): Not bad Origami!

Origami: You know me?


Origami: Who are you?

(Y/N): You heard nothing! 

I used the force to push her back then the others opened fire as more close in. They aren't as skilled as Origami at close quarters combat so I easily parry and counter their attacks. Then She closes in again as I hold her back trying to only use defensive tactics to stall her. 

Origami: You fought better this time, but now you're holding back!

She's good. 

Origami: You're stalling us!

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