Lets Dance

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Well that was fun. However, I can't keep running forever like this. These spacial-quakes are causing devastation and it seems like a military cover up is going on. As a Jedi I cannot allow this to continue. The Order may not exist anymore and I am one of the last of my kind, but I still have a duty to uphold.
It was school again for now though. I found Shido and decided to check up on him.

(Y/N): Hey Shido!

Shido: Hm? Oh hey Y/N

(Y/N): I'm glad to see your alright after the other day.

Shido: The other day? Oh yeah yeah. I know it was dumb of me hehehe

Nervous there buddy? I can sense you have a lot on your mind. You have a goal, but what?

(Y/N): You ok there?

Shido: Oh yeah I'm fine. Right as rain hehe

Yeah right.

???: *earpiece* Shido as much as you like talking to him you need to get a practice run in.

Is that Kotori?

(Y/N): Well You must be busy then.

Shido: O-o-oh no no I'm not busy.

Kotori: *earpiece* yes you are!

Shido: I-I mean yes I am!

I couldn't help but laugh.

(Y/N): Oh never change you two.

Shido: Huh?

Kotori: *earpiece* huh?

(Y/N): Oh by the way how is Kotori?

Shido: Oh? She's fine.

(Y/N): That's good. When you took off yesterday I was worried something happened to her. I'm glad to hear she's ok.

Kotori: *earpiece* h-he was worried about me?

(Y/N): Well don't let me keep you ok? Class is starting soon.

Shido: R-right see ya!

I left them.

Shido: He's gone. Ok Kotori now what?

Kotori: *earpiece* H-he actually asked about me...

Shido: I knew you liked him

Kotori: W-wha- I don't-I-I-you... j-just shut up!

The rest of my day was pretty entertaining. I watch Shido try to ask out our teacher only for her to not only cave but start suggesting marriage and a future. Only for Shido to run. And she was still talking about it even though she was gone. I walked behind her and used the force to calm her mind so she'd snap out of it.

Miss Okamine: Huh? Wha?

She turned to face me

Miss Okamine: Oh Y/N! I just had the weirdest dream all of a sudden.

(Y/N): Really that's very interesting.

She was just going on about it, not really something you want to talk about to a student. I can tell why she was talking the was she was with Shido. She didn't want to just marry someone. She doesn't want to be alone. Hard to believe she was single. I mean look at her she's adorable for a young teacher. Wait is that Shido and Origamii?

Le timeskip

I still have a hard time seeing that Shido asked Origamii out and she said yes. Although I sensed her thoughts. Though she did not express them I sensed joy. Interesting. But joe back to real work. I sensed another surge in power same as the other day only in a different location. The school. I decided to get closer than I have before to find her there. The girl in the purple dress. Wait I sense another presence. Shido? Why is he here? Wait. Is he trying to...ask her out? I guess that is the solution they came to? This planet keeps getting weirder and weirder. Wait what's that?

You looked up to see the the same girls that attacked her and you last time. Looks like they're back to finish the job.

???: The Mecha mecha squad!

Wait what? That has got to be the most childish name for a military group I've ever heard. Looks like their about to engage. Well might as well make myself known.

(Y/N): Hey you two.

They both looked at me

(Y/N): Just focus on each other. I'll deal with the pests.

Shido: Wait who are you?

???: You're not like the mecha mecha squad.

I cannot take her seriously.

(Y/N): Don't worry about me right now as I said focus on each other.

They both nodded as the girl put some sort of shield around her. Good that makes my job easier.

???c: we've got clearance to engage-wait who's that?

(Unless someone tells me their real names I'm just gonna give them names From left to right:Akari (丹梨)Yua (結愛) Himari (陽葵)Sara (冴咲)There)

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(Unless someone tells me their real names I'm just gonna give them names
From left to right:
Akari (丹梨)
Yua (結愛)
Himari (陽葵)
Sara (冴咲)

Akari: Hey it's that guy we keep chasing but he always gets away!

Yua: He shows up every time we're deployed.

???c: Is he a spirit too?

(Y/N): I'm afraid not!

This caught their attention.

(Y/N): However you will find that today your fight is not with them, but with me. Come a face me! Unless you girls are all bark and no bite.

They all just stared at me menacingly. I knew it was asking for trouble but I needed all the attention on me.

???c: Alright everyone Engage!


This is it. They opened fire with their small-arms. Projectile weaponry. My lightsaber will disintegrate their rounds, not deflect. However they'll be easier to stop. Using the force I pulled a large piece of debris in front of me easily protecting me from their fire.

Sara: Ok that's not fair!

(Y/N): Sorry sweetie but that's life

Sara: S-sweetie!?

I threw the concrete debris at the group using the force to crush it and disperse the remains hitting the girls. Though their shields protected them it clearly stunned them. However I sensed someone was coming to flank me. I jumped high dodging a swing from a sword.

(Y/N): I was wondering when you would attack.

I then pulled out both lightsabers and ignited them. Against her I believe Form IV Ataru would be best for one on one and acrobatics; then maybe Form V Djem So for countering. She was stunned for a brief second by my lightsabers allowing me the opportunity to close in quickly. She had talent, but her rage and inability to focus allowed me to get the upper hand easily. With ease and fluidity my lightsabers carves through her defense destroying her shield and defense. I then used force push to knock her back.

Origamii: I. Have to protect him.

(Y/N): Him?

She abandoned her duel with me and went to fight the spirit. I tried to stop her but the others resumes their attack as I blocked all their shots. Then there was a brief explosion. Sensing Shido was gone I decided to disappear as well. Fortunately as a Sentinel I specialize in Stealth so I easily slipped away.

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