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Here you are basically the male version of Yukari Yakumo from Touhou.

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You're Yukari's son and you basically decided to have some fun in the outside world, due to partial boredom and natural curiosity

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You're Yukari's son and you basically decided to have some fun in the outside world, due to partial boredom and natural curiosity.

-Known as a manipulator of boundaries and the one-of-a-kind gap youkai. Can control boundaries between any and all things. Opening gaps is the most common of this ability.
-Prefers Manilupation to direct confrontation, but definitely not afraid to get your hands dirty.
-Likes being well-informed
-Dislikes being ignorant of the situation.
-Considered mysterious and likes toying with your enemies.
-Very rarely uses your full power.
-Personality-wise is considered laid-back, relaxed, and unreliable. 
-Has a remarkable intellect.
-Don't not share what your true goals are, mostly altruistic.
-Won't hesitate you get involved.
-Though your physical strength is on par with a youkai, your actual physical strength is considered immeasurable.
-No known weaknesses.
-An indoor-type, moves around through gaps.
- is skilled in Onmyoudou, the Taoism-derived arts of traditional Japanese court wizards, and specializes in spells which create and manipulate barriers (presumably due to overlap with your innate abilities)
-Yukari also displays great aptitude with shikigami, binding a powerful kitsune and numerous lesser servants at once.

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