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I decided to follow Shido and the Spirit Tohka on their "date". This was nothing new to me. Espionage was something we did on a regular basis during the war, but what made me upset about choosing to do this was that he was my friend, but I feel as though doing this will lead me to uncover the mystery or at least the start of how I can do it. Though this can be seen as a necessary evil. Ironic that we, as the Jedi, starting doing more and more of these towards the end of the war. Only for them to come back and haunt us at the end. I hope that this doesn't cause the same thing. However I shall let the Force be my guide.

Tohka: Is this a date!? Tell meeeeeeeeeeee!

I understand she may not be familiar with the culture, or how to act but give me a break!

Kotori's POV
On Board the Fraxinus

Kotori: Continue to maintain surveillance for now. Wait. What is that?

The computer screen zoomed in on your location.

Kotori: Y/N!? What's he doing there? Wait. Is he following Shido?

???: Commander. There's something I think you should see.

One of her officers pulled up a file with your name and picture.

Kotori: His file? What have you found Nakatsugawa?

Nakatsugawa: His file contain his picture, name, age, and current address; but that's it.

Kotori: What do you mean that's it?

Nakatsugawa: That's all I've found. There's nothing else in his school file at all. On top of that I've checked and scanned every database in the world that we have access to. Both name and picture are not showing up anywhere. It's as if. Y/N. Does not exist.

She was stunned by this information then looked quizzically at you.

Kotori: Who are you Y/N?

Your POV

It seems Tohkas idea of a date is eating. Nothing wrong with that but I think she could out eat a Hutt! And not even gain a pound! That's unfair. Wait is that Kotori in the restaurant? Looks like she's letting her other personality show. Wait. I sense a presence. Origamii is coming up behind me.

Origamii: Excuse me?

Better act surprised. I jumped.

(Y/N): aaaah! D-don't sneak up on me like that!

Origamii: What are you doing here?

Straight to the point huh?

(Y/N): I was about to go into the restaurant to eat. What brings you here?

Origamii: Why that restaurant?

Better change the topic.

(Y/N): Cause I like the food there. So I heard Shido asked you out is that true?

She has an impressive poker face but her thoughts betray her.

Origamii: How do you know about that?

(Y/N): Thats the rumor I heard.

Origamii: I didn't think anyone knew about it.

(Y/N): Rumors are powerful.

Origamii: Indeed.

(Y/N): Well I better get going.

Origamii: I thought you were going to go eat?

(Y/N): I was but my instincts are telling me it's going to rain and I need to get my clothes inside before it does.

I moved away and as I predicted she stayed there keeping an eye in Shido and Tohka. Sensing her aggression I believe I know where her hatred is directed towards. The spirits. I don't think it's Tohka in particular but it's just a theory. Better keep following. Is wanted to do but I bumped into a couple people.

???: Why are you following them.

It appears I'm not the only one keeping tabs on them. I should of known.

???1: I'll ask again. Why are you following them

???2: We know you were at both spatial quake incidents we have it in our computers.

So mister grey streak and miss one eye know me huh? Let's change that.

(Y/N): I am not following anyone.

I said with a wave of my hand.

Grey streak: You are not following anyone.

(Y/N): And I am not the person you saw. Your computers must be mistaken

Miss one eye: You are not the person we saw. Our computers must be mistaken.

(Y/N): Go about your business and have a nice day.

Both: Go about your business and have a nice day.

(Y/N): Thank you.

I left the two as they returned forgetting our encounter. I forgot how useful that was but not to be done often and to be used with care. I came to an area that was not there before. A whole area set up with everything to help their date go without a hitch. Looks like whoever is working this is pulling all the stops. And I see Origamii though now she's armed but falling back? She must of gotten the order to engage! I better follow her.

Le timeskip

Well it's sunset and here is Origamii in her "battle garment", if you can call it that, with a sniper rifle! She's gonna take out Tohka while she's distracted! I called upon the Force and made her aim off and  misfire, but I could not for seen the result. She took out Shido. I was distraught for a moment, but I sensed life flowing within him as it I hadn't happened. I was puzzled until I saw Tohka grab her sword the upgrade it! She may on a warpath! I looked to see Origamii completely frozen in sorrow and unable to fight or flight. I stepped out in front of her and as Tohka moved to strike I used the force to reach out and grab her sword holding it in place. She didn't even pay attention to me and yanked at the sword with all her might so I pushed out with the force and pushed her away. Just as she was going to try again Shido fell from the sky and well you know the rest. I looked to Origamii who had collapsed from her state. I check to make sure she was alright and decided I overstayer my welcome.

Kotori's POV

Kotori: Play it again.

The screen replayed your actions saving Origamii.

Kotori: And the two of you are sure?

Kawagoe: Positive he wasn't following anyone.

Shizakii: And I'm certain our computers that recorded him are wrong.

Kotori: *thoughts* I'd better get to the bottom of this myself. I need to know. Just who you are Y/N

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