Chapter 4

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Sorry for late update guys I'm so busy with school and I'm also taking exam every wensday, that why I didn't have time to write.
Hope you like it...
- pearl
The sun shines through the window, I open my eyes and look at my clock is still 7:10 still have time to prepare.

Walking to the bath room and shower. After showering I blow dry my hair and put my black high waist short, white crop top and my military boots, and I put thick black eyeliner, mascara and cherry lip glos, I don't wear foundation because I don't fell comfortable.

Looking at the mirror, not sound cocky but I look so fuck hot. Grabbing my bag, iPhone and leather jacket and walk downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw Jared saitting on the sofa but the I don't see the others.

"Damn if I'm not gay I will fuck you right here, right now" Jared whistle and wink at me.

I laugh and make a disgusted face "ew don't need to say that" I said playfully "your look good"

"Why thank you " he reply winking at me" but sorry babe your not my type"

"Ouch I'm hurt"I pout "where's the others?" I ask him.

"Zoey and Payton still upstair changing while Connor outside cleaning his car" he said not looking at me.

I look at the time is already 8:00

"Tell the other to hurry up where leaving in a minute" I said walking in the kitchen to grab a apple.

Fast forward:

Going ng to the school is only 10 minute driving.

When we arrive with our cars and getting out in my car with my bag people start whispering.

"Wooh nice cars"

"Fuck they're hot"

"Are they the new student?"

We walk in the hallway with our head high and ignoring the whisper and the eyes of the student, we meet the gang near our lockers.

"Nice entrance guys" Nathan grinned at us

"That was fun" Payton said smirking

"Hell yah it is" Jared and Connor giving each other high five while giving the gang with weird man hug.

"Why thank you" I said bowing

"That was epic "Zoey said while hunter hugging her.

"Oh shame Stephanie didn't see your entrance" James said putting his arm on my shoulder

"She's still not but the trio is already here and not looking happy" Connor sings.

Vincent, Nichol and Aaron walking in our direction. Aaron face looks pissed and glared at James arm.

"What the are you doing with them?"Vincent pointing at the gang

"What did they offer to you tori, sex?" Nichol said smirking

"What on bloody earth are you wearing?"Aaron snapped

"Shut fuck up"I scream" first is not your fucking business who I'm hanging out, second I'm wearing a clothes as your seeing and lastly Nichol they didn't offer me a sex not like ke you if someone offer you a sex you'll jump to the offer" I said in monotone.

Nichol glared at me but says nothing, Vincent standing with wide eyes and Aaron look really pissed.

"This is not you tori, the tori we knew doesn't wear like this, won't punch someone, doesn't swear and won't involved with the bad boys" Aaron in sad voice.

I look at his eyes smirking and laugh" people change Aaron, they also change because someone and the old tori is long dead, the tori standing right imfornt of you is the new tori, the strong and not like the old pathetic tori and the old stupid tori that falls in loved with you before" I said in serious tone.

Aaron didn't say anything looking so hurt standing next to Vincent who looks going to cry and for Nichol let just say she's already crying her eyes out.... I thought what a drama queen.

Before one of them can say anything the bell save me.

"Let's go" James pulled me to the hallway with the gang behind us. While we're walking students giving me pity but I don't need pity I'm over r with it.

Huh I already encountered the trio only left is Stephanie.

And I don't know where she is......

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