Chapter 4

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    I woke up stretching, feeling oddly refreshing and energetic. Suddenly pictures on the wolf flashed through my mind. Ripping away the covers and jumping off my bed. My eyes drifted to my arm, still wrapped in the bandage. I slowly unwrapped it closely inspecting where the bite should have been. turning my arm sideways in complete shock the bite mark was no where to be found.

      'did I dream the wolf' I thought to myself. My flickered to the bandage I was still holding noticing the dried blood left on it. "maybe ketchup" I whispered chuckling slighting as it was said. Okay now I just sound stupid with a sigh I tossed the bandage on my night stand, pushing my brown hair out of my eyes.

If I didn't have the bite mark, there's no since in looking for answers. 


The whole bus ride to school it seem as I couldn't sit still. I kept bouncing my leg feeling unease. When we pulled into the school, I turned my head noticing Avery wasn't around.  Avery wasn't one to miss the bus.

    The minute I entered the school I was overwhelmed by the different scents. When did the scents of the student body get so strong I practically ran to my locker getting tripped in the process, I fell looking up Dylan was smirking at me. I lighting gagged as I got a whiff of his scent, wet dog with a hint of rotten eggs.

    I feel my chest vibrate as a low growl emerge from my lips. Dylan smirk instantly dropped as he narrow his eyes. I gulped nervously not quite understanding what noise I just made. Avery suddenly made an appearance in front of me. She grabbed Dylan shirt, holding him close to her face.

           "You better leave Amber alone mutt or you would have to answer to me" Avery lowly hissed.

       Mutt why would Avery call Dylan a mutt, technically all humans are mutts now a days so that is a really weird insult  feeling confused.

     An angelic laugh sounded in my head 'a human with a sense of humor'.

Looking around furrowing my eyebrows 'oh sweetie I'm in your head'.

  m-my head  I thought a little concerned that I'm going crazy. 

  'yes my name is Angel. I am your wolf. Last night you were bitten by a werewolf and if a werewolf bites you... well you turn into one' The voice spoke

  ' werewolves are not real' I replied looking down at my hands.

' please Avery informed you vampires are real. Why not  werewolves'? Well she did have a point.

'Of course I have a point. That guy Dylan is a rogue werewolf, also as known as a wolf without a pack. You can typically tell by their scent' She explained.

   Glancing up noticing Avery was trying to get my attention. " yes" I whispered she pulled me off the ground into a hug. Pulling away she asked "are you okay".  I smiled to assure her I'm fine taking in her scent scrunching my nose in confusion. The smell of death and blood in the air Angel started pacing in the back of my head growling.

  'what's wrong' I asked my wolf, still not used to it.

'Vampire' she growled before retreating to the back of my mind.

I widen my eyes as what she said hit me. Avery was a vampire but just yesterday she assured me she wasn't. 

 She lit up " okay I'm glad you are fine. I better get to class Ber Bear" she jogged towards her first class as soon as Avery was out of sight the bell rang.

If Dylan is a werewolf and Avery is a vampire is everyone I know going to be one of the other? I couldn't help but feel betrayed Avery took me to a meeting place for vampires and she told me she wasn't one.

I understood she wouldn't want me to freak out but it's too late for that. I growled punching a nearby locker leaving hand print behind. A smirk appeared on my face wow that felt good.

   Sometimes change is inevitable, it can be good it can be bad. Change depends on your circumstances and your point of view. I was never strong always going with what Avery wanted after all she seems to know who she is.

   I always felt like a part of me was missing. My life never felt like it was mine to live someone was always in the drivers seat as I watched the world go by. Living is a funny thing you can party everyday and be a slut or you could settle into a mundane life studying and going to school wearing a smile no-one getting to know the real you.

   I thought I knew the real Avery, we were close nothing could come between us. We had no secrets or well I thought she had the chance to tell me she was a bloodsucker but she didn't. 

  Maybe it's time for me to step into the drivers seat of my life and take it for a ride. I can become a strong werewolf and never have to feel afraid again and maybe my smile can actually be genuine.

 "Miss Peterson" a gruff voice called blinking realizing I have been standing in an empty hallway with a creepy smile on my face. Turning I come face to face with our principal, Mr. Aristotle. He was a pudgy short man with a head of head that I suspect is toupee, thick rim glasses, a handlebar mustache accompanying his big nose. "Hey Mr. Aristotle you look great today" He beamed at the small compliment his wrinkles becoming more prominent "Thank you shouldn't you be heading to class."

 I waved goodbye to the goofy principal. I wonder if Goofy would be a good principal? You know that dog from Mickey Mouse clubhouse. I use to love that show as a kid and I would go to Disneyland just to see Goofy.

  I entered the classroom my eyes laying onto Avery a growl rumbled as her scent wavered through the air. If there was any truth in movies than Twilight showed me vampires and werewolves didn't get along. I was always Team Edward will I have to be Team Jacob now since I was becoming a werewolf.

  Jacob never had a chance in my humble honest opinion. I mean Bella's heart always belonged to Edward and would continue belonging to him. It should have been more of a love triangle like the Vampire Diaries but that was between brothers not species.

"Miss Amber are you going to sit down" Mrs Yarrow asked her reading glasses sliding down her nose. She never liked kids so why become a teacher at all? Maybe she didn't have a say in the matter. She had frizzy straight grey hair ending just above her shoulders and a slim figure. People claims that she is a diabetic and other say she is an anorexic.

 I plopped in my usual seat next to Avery. She may have not been honest but it was the only seat available and I am not one to act petty. Avery was nervously chewing on her pencil and was practically swimming in shavings. "Are you okay" I whispered she took her pencil out of her mouth "yeah I'm just worried about next week test."

 She just outright lied to me we don't have a test next week. Is being a vampire worrying her? Can she tell I was going to be a werewolf? Is she not getting enough blood? Maybe we should go to a blood drive.

  Stop thinking that! If vampires and werewolves were sworn enemies like books and movies suggest we can't be friends. She haven't shown any signs of knowing about last night and the fact I was bitten, does she know? 

'Relax she doesn't know a thing, your scent won't reflect that I'm here until you shift' my wolf reassured okay that is good news. I have till I shift to figure this out and werewolves shift on the full moon right?

The full is a couple weeks away, I have nothing but time. Who was that wolf that bit me was he a rogue like Dylan? Did he belong in a pack? I wonder what's a pack like do werewolves live in a cave and lose themselves to the wolf? Do werewolves even know how to act human?

 What am I thinking Dylan is a werewolf and he acts human....most of the time besides growling like a pup who chew toy got taken. Maybe he was bitten too was that why he was proclaimed as a rogue? Am I technically a rogue? Cringing as I thought about that rotten egg smell I hope I don't smell like that.

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