Chapter 1

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    I groaned in protest as my foster mom pulled my silk comforter from my body, attempting to wake me for school. I heard a sigh as footsteps retreated, leaving me alone in my average sized bedroom till I instantly was met with cold water as I screamed, I jolted into a sitting position with surprised look on my face. My dull wavy brown hair, now straight sticking to my face due to it being wet and my white shirt is currently see through. "Mom" I screeched trying to sound mad as a small smile made it way on my face.

    She stuck her tongue out as she retreated, I let out a sigh as I put my feet on the cold hard ground. I slipped on a white Teen Wolf T-shirt and  black ripped jeans, I've always been a fan of supernatural romance films but the show Teen Wolf is the best one yet. I went over to my vanity across from my bed and sprayed some dry shampoo in my hair feeling too lazy to wash it. I slipped on my grey converse and grabbed my book bag rushing out of my room.

     As I took the bus to school I couldn't help but feel nervous and anxious like something was going to happen, something bad. The bus halted to a stop I looked around realizing we made it to school. I stood up immediately being pushed down, I looked up seeing Dylan "watch where you are going freak of nature" giving a slight smirk as he walked past. Dylan he has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes but he wasn't built or anything, he was attractive to someone just not to me.

         Out of the corner of my eye I saw a streak of black hair as I turned my head my best friend Avery was standing there with her straight jet black hair, dark grey eyes, her high cheekbones, she was definitely attractive. Everyone has that one friend that is a little boy crazy well for me that is Avery. She points every cute boy we pass and try's to hook me up with some of them but I'm sure she means well.

    We been friends since we were in diapers. Our moms were besties once upon a time but now you wouldn't believe it. 

      I snapped back to reality as I noticed we are the remaining two on the bus " sorry" I stated standing back up. She laughed it off " oh come on" she winked as she grabbed my wrist pulling me towards the school. 

  "Dylan still giving you trouble?" 

   "that's the understatement of the year" I looked down feeling somewhat ashamed its not like I never stood up to him before but somehow I always end up in the principal's office. Don't understand how he slithers out of detention and I can't.

    "Someday I'll break him in half" she hissed. I shook my head in disagreement.

 "If only he would not have an issue with hitting a girl though" 

   She nodded thoughtfully " he wouldn't he able to land a hit if he's broken in half" giving me a cheeky smile. I often wonder where she gets this confidence from. As kids Ave was quite shy hiding behind her mom thinking it would make her invisible or something. 

    When we reached High School that shy exterior disappeared. She started doing drugs, smoking and going to parties. Stealing a glance at Avery she was wearing a black tube top and bootie shorts out of the dress code.

    She never showed off an inch of her body before. When a teacher calls her out for her choice of clothing, she plays it one of two ways. One she flirts endlessly with them or two she plays dumb and innocent maybe shred a few tears normally gets sympathy. She normally gets away with it but on the rare occasion she gets sent to the principal office. She will argue with our principal mr. Baldwin till she is blue in the face about the women's right to express themselves and what better way than through their choice in clothes and somehow it gets her out of detention every time.

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