Chapter 5

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Letting out a yawn as I was still in mrs. Yarrow's English class.My heart suddenly started beating out of control like I just ran a marathon, sweat dripping down my brow as I wiped it away. Hunger had a hold over me suddenly craving a big juicy steak.

      'Amber your body is preparing to shift'

   I sat up straight and looked around 'are you sure? Don't werewolves go through the shift on a full moon' 

  My wolf laughed replying 'no that is what movies make humans believe, but that is not true. Born werewolves have their first shift at fifteen. Werewolves who are turned after your fifteen birthday the shift comes randomly'.

'that is very inconvenient' groaning feeling a wave of pain come over me. I stood up abruptly "Mrs. Yarrow I don't feel very well may I go to the nurse".  She gave a quick nod as I ran out the door. 

   Walking down the hallway grinding my teeth. I ran my hand over the lockers hearing a loud scratching sound. Glancing over I gasped bringing my hand to my hands realizing claws are growing out of my fingertips. The lockers have three long claw marks running down them.

  I started running till I pushed the doors opened and arrived outside. A wave of pain came over me and my knee buckled from underneath me. On  my hands and knees I let out a scream, hearing my bones pop and crack. I felt them starting to shift around, white fur started sprouting out of my hands.

   Before I could blink I was on four paws . Turning my head looking at the closed doors of the school. In the windows stood a tall pure white wolf leaning in closer I noticed the tip of the ears and tail was a vibrant blue and the eyes was an ocean blue it was so pretty. wait I was very pretty the wolf was me and I was the wolf.

   Turning tail I ran the the woods located behind the school.

    'To Shift back just image becoming human it would get easier as you do it' 

     Once I successfully shifted back, wiping my clothes down. "excuse me" a male voice called  turning around I was met with ice blue eyes "hey I know you your that scrawny boy that helped me out" I exclaimed pointing at him.

  His mouth dropped open " I am not scrawny" rolling my eyes "were you stalking we". He smirked "yes the council wanted me to keep an eye on you to see if you were the right one"

   "what do you mean? Who are you"?

 " Princess Amber, my name is Wyatt I was the one to bite you. It was your destiny as you are and will aways be the daughter of our Moon Goddess" The Scrawny bo... I mean Wyatt bowed.

 "The Moon Goddess she showed up in my dream"

"yes that's is how she communicates. She is the ruler of our kind. The prophecy states that her daughter would be reborn as a human, when comes of age  a wolf will bite her and she will gain powers that can save or destroy us".

  I laughed nervously "no pressure" giving me a look of pity " the prophecy won't take affect till you find your mate".

No teenager has their life planned out and everyone hopes that they would be destined for greatness. I never believed destiny was a real and now hearing someone claim to know what my destiny is.

To say I'm scared would be an understatement I am terrified sure I know I was going to step in the drivers seat and take control but it would seem that I am not meant to live how I want. In order to even start fulfilling my so called destiny I need to find my soulmate. Yeah you heard right soulmate does Wyatt not realize how big the world is how am I going to find him? Besides that how would I even know its him when I see him? Am I just supposed to go on a million dates with a million different guys and hope I have a connection with one of them?

I am supposed to save the world with guy that may or may not exist.

'or destroy' my wolf butted in.

Can we not think about the fact that I can single handily destroy the world She huffed retreating to the back of my mind. I can't even get a guy without the world hanging in the balance and now I have to find one guy and for what? I don't even know what kind of danger to supposedly save the world from.

"Amber breath in and out in and out" Wyatt coaxed he is not responsible for saving or potentially destroying the world.

"Wyatt...." I seethed "you are not responsible for saving the world."

"Or destroy it" he inserted why do everyone need to remind me that I can destroy the world? For the first time since finding out I was a werewolf I was scared not scared of what I am per se but what I was capable of.

Wyatt had a cocky smirk as if he knew what was going through my mind. "Do you live in a pack?" His his widen slightly looking takin back by my random question. "Yes it is known as the Angel Depths pack" so Wyatt wasn't a rogue his scent didn't smell like rotten eggs as it did with Dylan but you know what they say when you assume it makes an ass out of you and me.

"Are vampires and wolves enemies" Avery face appeared in my mind my wolf didn't seem to like her but she doesn't like anybody. "Yes vampires are always up to no good as the moon goddess daughter you would smell like a normal human so vampires shouldn't give you any trouble well... unless they see you as food." If a vampire attempts to bite me they might lose a few teeth.

"There is this vampire at my school she was my best friend and she doesn't exactly know I am a werewolf or I know what she is."

"That's good lets keep it that way if word gets to the vampires that the moon goddess daughter has gotten her wolf before you find a mate it would spell trouble especially if the leader of the clan, Rory found out." Rory as in the Rory in the secret vampire meetup up spot behind the club Fangs.

If only I could have my boring life back again no werewolves no vampires just peace and quiet with my books. Don't get me wrong I'm not a nerd by any means I am a C average student. Books they let you escape from real world problems or things that shouldn't be real problems.

My life is spinning out of control I just need to relax I have till I find my mate. If I reject him would I have more time? 

Shaking my head in disapproval as that thought came to the surface. I would be a monster to reject my other half and for what more time to avoid my so called destiny. My scent is human would he even approach me well if he is a wolf but my mother would not give me a human mate to help save the world.

I wouldn't put it pass her though I was human a couple days ago so who am I to judge based on their species.

"I met Rory very briefly" Wyatt stepped closer caressing my cheek pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Stay away from him trust me he is bad news" planting a small kiss on my forehead before turning on his heal disappearing into the lush forest. 

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