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Lloyd and Javier had to go to another city called Jaxen City for some new construction, Lloyd was surprised to know that the original Lloyd actually went to school there and actually had a decent reputation. He still had a drinking problem but he was only rude when he drank but when he was sober, he was a pretty nice guy. People probably just thought he was some teenager making some bad decisions like everyone else was at one point of time.

Lloyd figured he should try to learn more information about the original Lloyd so he can put up a more convincing act. He learned that the original Lloyd became an alcoholic at the age 14, his underage drinking started because of stress according to the people around him. Lloyd was a hard working student but was often underestimate due to his relationship with his family, turns out the Baron and Baroness sent the original Lloyd to study at Jaxen City because they were scared he was going to make a bad reputation at the Royal Academy which could cause bad rumors about Julian and ruin him before he could even speak, they asked the original Lloyd if this would be okay and he agreed. The original Lloyd is starting to sound more and more like a decent guy, just a little messed up when he drinks or is stressed but still fine. Lloyd can probably put up a better act if he drank alcohol but he still refuses to because alcohol was the reason why the original Lloyd died and Lloyd is still trying to avoid that.

Lloyd was called over to Jaxen City to construct a bridge, it doesn't have to be anything fancy but it needs to be grand enough to put it in front of the school. The school is called the "The Jaxen School for Academic students", Lloyd sees the school building is pretty old but still very stable. Lloyd offers to spruce up the building for a small fee, since he's here, he might as well get a few extra bucks. The school allows it and has Lloyd do a few repairs, they ask him to fix up the more unstable part of the building and add a few more pillars or replace the walls with a more sturdy material. Lloyd said he'll fix the school before he does the bridge and goes to the weakest corner of the building to replace the walls and add more support pillars, he starts to think about the original Lloyd's acquaintances and if he had any friends. Lloyd as Suho never really had any friends and the moment he'd walk into school, he starts waiting to get back home. He remembers how each second felt like an eternity, he really hated going to school and would much rather stay home. He remembers how much he dreaded college, it was when his mother's sickness was at its worst and needed more treatments. This meant more money was needed and his father was struggling to pay that all.

"Don't worry Suho, everything is fine! Just focus on your studies Suho, there's nothing to worry about so just focus on your studies!" His father always said that, he knew he was lying but he still continued on like nothing was wrong. He always lived to regret it because that was the last words he heard his father say, he later died that year.

"Oh my, is that Lloyd Frontera I see?" A cheerful voice says from behind, the voice snaps Lloyd out of his thoughts. When he turns his head to see where the voice came from, his eyes are met with a beautiful woman. The women had light purple hair, some parts darker than others and was accompanied by some bright green eyes. Lloyd was not expecting the woman to have purple hair but then again, he is in a fantasy world where anything can happen so different hair colors shouldn't be that surprising plus Javier has light blue hair too. Lloyd is surprised the woman knows him, he looks around to see Javier is next to him and assumes she is just confusing Javier for him.

"I apologize but I'm not Lloyd Frontera, I'm Javier." Javier says, he's pretty used to having women confuse him for Lloyd but much to both of their surprise, the woman was here to talk to the actual Lloyd.

"So Lloyd, how have you been over the years?" The woman says as she hugs Lloyd, he's not super used to getting attention like this so he hesitates before he hugs her back. It's clear this woman knows the original Lloyd but the question is how to interact with her? Lloyd knows nothing about this woman but this woman seems to know a lot about him so he needs to figure out a way to find out.

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