I am very dumb

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Once upon a time there was a very dumb person who was writing a fan fiction about two very gay people and everything was going fine until the very dumb person had accidentally delated the story. 

It went like this ...                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Me: wow, I'm almost done with the story! I can probably upload this today once I finish this last bit! 

Also me: *Accidentally closes out with out saving* 


still me: *Cries in stupidity* 

After that, the very dumb person continued to cry in stupidity until they fell asleep. When the very dumb person woke up the next afternoon, they were filled with extreme rage because they realized that they now have to rewrite the story all other again.  

The end... Yes, I am very dumb but on the bright side I'm now halfway done with rewriting the story so I might finish sometime next week.

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