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School after Halloween was interesting

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School after Halloween was interesting. The gang of boys that harassed me at the party did their best to get under their skin, but Billy Hargrove had become a protector of sorts. I had heard from Carol that he had beat up some of the guys in the parking lot before school because they were saying things about me. I didn't want to believe it, but when he showed up with red knuckles I knew what he had done. Jonathan who had again been waiting by my locker in the morning found it hilarious when Billy walked over. Jonathan had also heard the rummer about Billy beating up those guys before school.

"Vi, why didn't you tell me you and Billy Hargrove were a thing?" He asked me, Billy was standing on the other side of my locker.

"Because we aren't. Plus it's not even a defined relationship Jonathan " I told him. I knew Billy would hear our conversation but he didn't scare Jonathan  off. "If you saw anything to Steve.."

"I won't, I won't," He said putting his hands up. "Alright I got to go, I've got some book I have to return, see ya"

She just keeps surprising me more and more. Next, she will tell me she can move things, sheesh

I laughed slightly at Jhonnathan's  fleeting thoughts, Billy put his arm around my shoulder.

, She will be the death of me, I swear, keeping me on my toes.

"Oh shut it," I said. This thing we had between each other wasn't something I wanted to label or even commit to just yet. He was sweet to me, but I needed to know him long before I commit to him. He was still a player and I don't think my heart could handle getting played by him.  We walked to Class and the rest of the first half of classes flew by.

I was in the hallway when Dustin Henderson burst through the doors and made a beeline to me.

"We need your help," He said. I knew I would be cutting lunch and a little of class if I went, but when these boys need me, I'll be there. I nodded and we both ran out of the school and towards Hawkings Middle.

Walking through the middle school was like a strange case of deja vu. I followed Dustin into the Av room and threw my bag on the ground. I was met with a slew of eyes.

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