Aziraphale and Crowley Stay Connected, and Samarrah's Got a Crush on Crowley

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“So it’s officially not Eric.” Wensleydale deduces, as he crosses something off the pad of paper he’s holding. 

“I can’t believe he cheated on you with the Duke of Hell!” Pepper exclaims. 

Crowley sips from a water bottle, then agrees, “I know. Neither can I.” 

“So that means it’s Aziraphale, or perhaps even Samarrah.” Brian recalls. “Is there anyone else we should know about?” 

Crowley shakes his head, “No time. Too busy working on bigger and bigger assignments for Hell, and when we set our sights on Israel, me and Bee were the top demons, so they let us handle the country all on our own. We were tempting people everywhere. Little things, like stealing, to big things.” 

“That’s all fine and good.” Adam says. “But what about your relationships? And your boyfriend?” 

“I did date around here and there. Sometimes as I am now. Sometimes as a woman. Or both. Or neither. But no one really worth mentioning by name.” 

“But Aziraphale? What happened to him?” Wensleydale asks. 

“Awhile after he accompanied me to an assignment, he decided he was done chaining himself to his job, and started enjoying Earth more. Went everywhere he could listen to stories, learn about more places, and then go to those places too. According to him, he said it was because of something I said the night he showed me his swords. We started keeping touch regularly, and before I knew it, even though admitting it out loud would’ve gotten us in big trouble, we were genuine friends. And I’d also started looking at swords.” 

Tel-Aviv-Yafo, Israel, 72 AD 

Israel was bustling.Talks of war were brewing, and so many were terrified of the Romans invading, and it wasn’t long before everyone became paranoid of each other. 

And then of course Bee and Crowley were assigned to Emperor Vespasian, to push him over the edge to lay siege to Israel. 

Crowley had finally been trusted with an assignment that would mean an important soul bound for Hell, and for the first time, Hell was looking to him for answers on how to handle assignments. 

And the added bonus of Samarrah reaching out to invite him to hear Adam speak didn’t hurt either. 

Crowley arrives right as Adam’s in the middle of speaking, but that’s fine, because he’s not really paying attention anyhow, so he just leans against a pillar and lets the words all blur together. 

“Crowley.” a whisper on the other side of the pillar startles him, and he looks to find Samarrah smiling back at him. “My favorite demon. You look verrrry seductive.” 

Crowley laughs, “Thank you. That was the whole idea.” 

She whispers, “How are you and Eric doing?” 

Crowley sighs, “Eric…has other people to show off their sigils for now.” 

Samara just nods, so Crowley asks, “How’s Adam? Shouldn’t he have died by now?” 

“Well if he was only with Eve, he would have.” she replies. “She died a long time ago, and then he dumped me not too long ago. Said he didn’t want to be the reason I couldn’t move on to other humans.” 

“Now where have I heard that one before.” Crowley muses, which makes her steal a look at him, before turning to look back at Adam. 

“So what’ve you been doing?” He asks casually. 

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