Chapter Five

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Sounds of gunfire and loud chatter coming from Hyosonn and her friends was what took over Yunho's living room. He yelled at his character of the game as if it could hear and respond. Seonghwa laughed, also clicking crazily and following Yunho's character on the television screen.

About a week has passed, and it was a relaxed Saturday where miraculously Hyosonn and her friends didn't have homework or stuff to do, so Yunho had invited her and Seonghwa to his place so they could all play video games together. Her boyfriend looked so cute and free of any anxiety, being a normal teenager enjoying time with friends.

"Aish, seriously? I died already. I am so crap at these games. I give up." Hyosonn complained, tossing the controller to her side where they sit on the long L-shaped sofa. Munhee laughs at her without removing her eyes from the screen.

"That is because you don't spend enough time playing with Yunho like I do," she teases Hyosonn, who scoffed playfully.

"Well, between honor society, homework, studying for the suneung exams and enjoying being with Seonghwa, it's a bit impossible," she pointed out.

He chuckled, the tip of his tongue at the corner of his mouth, clicking and tapping quickly his game controller, helping Yunho and Munhee.

Yunho leans into Munhee without even losing a little focus on the mission, and joked with Hyosonn. "You just give up too easily. If you didn't with an awesome guy like Seonghwa, then you should do the same with this cool game."

Seonghwa snickered loudly, grinning like a jolly boy.

Munhee lets out a high whoop when she succeeded in taking down one of the best online snipers. "I am so badass," she murmured with a proud grin.

Yunho was also psyched, and sets his controller down for a sec. "You, Mun-ah, are amazing!" he praised ecstatically, and she giggles when he grabbed her hand to kiss loudly the side of it.

"Oh, yeah, I know..." she murmurs, blushing a bit and then picks up the controller again.

Hyosonn shook her head, amused. She rests against Seonghwa while he's playing, and turned to briefly look at Yunho and Munhee, and eyes widened when she noticed he glanced at Munhee with an affectionate gaze. He's never looked at her that least not the way she identified.

"Told you, Sonn-ah." Seonghwa made Hyosonn jolt, startling her. He must've seen as well what Yunho just did.

"Whoa, it's so weird, though." Hyosonn murmurs, feeling terribly worried that later on something could happen between Yunho and Munhee, and the friendship will get destroyed and torn apart. It would be so devastating after knowing each other since pre-K!

"What's weird?" Yunho asked.

"Ah, j-just how well Seonghwa and you work together in the game. You two make a good team. I had no idea Seonghwa was so expert in video games. He's good at a lot of stuff..." she lied, hoping her scarlet face doesn't give her away.

Yunho snorted, smirking. "Yeah, I do not want to know what the last meant. We do kick ass together, definitely."

Seonghwa snickered softly, kissing at the top of Hyosonn's hair without losing focus. "I do possess a lot of skills, won't argue with ya there," he mentions just to get her embarrassed. Munhee bursts out giggling.

"Okay, grooosss. Stop, you two freaks." she couldn't stop her hysteric giggles.

"Aish..." Hyosonn mumbled, and Seonghwa only had a mischievous smile on him.


Monday, at lunchtime they were at the same benches that a large tree looms above them, and Seonghwa surprised Hyosonn, Yunho and Munhee when he's taken out some bag pouches of their favorite candies.

Munhee squealed, catching the bag in her hands when Seonghwa tossed it to her and Yunho caught one, too.

"Aunt bought em' on Saturday. Thought I'd share," Hwa mentions, handing Hyosonn a bag.

"Well, you are amazing. Gamsamnida," she says joyously, opening it. She got distracted when Seonghwa pops one in his mouth and seemed to chew in a sexy way. (a/n: like San in a video clip of the YouTube channel ATEEZxATINYOverdose, series called Keeping up with ATEEZ Season 2 Ep. 4. It was from a live where he was with Wooyoung and Yunho in a hotel room)

"What?" He gazed at her with a questioning look. She shook her head and simply poured a few candies into her own mouth. He smirks at her and realized what had made her eyes darken.

"Are you good at catching them in your mouth?" she challenged, attempting to lower her embarrassment of being discovered heated by Seonghwa's sexy manner of chewing.

"Are you good at throwing it?" he giggles, a playful grin present.

"Yeah, she is. We used to in middle school all the time. Let's see if you aren't too rusty. Sonni-ah." Yunho encouraged.

She smirks, taking one and Seonghwa is ready for the toss. She threw and just barely got it.

"Good job, babe," she congratulates, giggling softly.

"Let's see how you do," he murmured, and she prepares herself. The candy is tossed, and she gracefully trapped it into her mouth, purposefully chewing how he'd done before. His smoldering gaze was penetrating, damn.

"Job well done, Miss Kang. Yet another thing I like about you." Seonghwa praised, smiling, taking from his own bag and chews deliberately.

Yunho and Munhee were all giggles and laughter, also competing who can get the most without missing.

Everybody was laughing in the end, till Munhee shivered from cold. "Ah, I remember I'd left my coat in homeroom," she sighs.

"You're going to get a cold, Mun-ah," Yunho scolded fondly, and shrugs out of his since he was alright for the moment with his school jacket. "Use mine until we go get it." He placed it over her and helps get her arms through the sleeves that were so long and looked more like wings.

"You look like a goose who can't fly," he teased, and she pouts at him. "Just kidding, you look cute."

She smiled warmly, lightly smacking his face with one of the sleeves to make him laugh.

"We'll be back soon, guys." Yunho tells Hyosonn and Seonghwa.

"Sure. Won't go nowhere." Seonghwa assures them.

"Come on, beautiful swan, before you catch a cold, dear." Yunho says to Munhee, and tugs her onto her feet, fixing the coat so it's hugging her more closely and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

She leaned into him to receive some more warmth from him who always feels like he's been in an oven, despite if he gets cold. His body temperature is usually hot.

Once the two have disappeared, Seonghwa spoke to Hyosonn.

"What are they waiting for, babe? Those two are in love with each other and literally don't realize it, or are resisting."

"Seonghwa, it isn't that simple. We've been together since we wore diapers practically, and a relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend when you have known each other so long is pretty dangerous. What if they're only meant to be friends and as a boyfriend or girlfriend they wouldn't be good for it? Can you imagine the heartbreak at a broken friendship there? It's scary just imagining it..." she sighed deeply, shaking her head and looked at Seonghwa with dismal eyes.

He puts away the candy for a moment and puts an arm over her. "But what if they would be good? They know each other like the palm of their hand, know what they do and don't like. You have talked about all sorts of things, there's not a secret I bet you haven't told each other. In a regular relationship, you get to know the person during it, but as best friends it's way different. You have to admit they make a nice pair. They have a lot in common, too."

"I don't know, Seonghwa..."

"Trust me, babe. I mean I am no expert since I've never had a girlfriend before, but I can feel they'd be good for each other."

Hyosonn groaned, leaning more to his side, looking miserable. He hugged her, kissing all of her face and she managed to smile because they began to tickle.

Who knows? Maybe he is right?

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