Chapter Six

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A Saturday before Seonghwa's aunt's birthday at the end of March, he's driving to the mall with Hyosonn because he's going to buy Heeyoung her birthday present.

"And I just want to buy something nice for a change, ya know? On previous birthdays all I could afford to give her is a card and her favorite dessert, since I obviously didn't have enough money. She gave it to me for lunch sometimes, and it wasn't so much. Auntie always insisted that I shouldn't work yet, I was too young and should focus on school...she did not need such extravagant gifts since I'm the best gift she's gotten in life," Seonghwa explained the purpose of this trip.

"Awww, that is really sweet. She's right." Hyosonn murmured, smiling while he drove.

"Yeah. She hadn't been able to have kids of her own and pretty much would always say she was blessed with raising me. Did you know she used to be married?"

"Really?? No, I didn't."

"From what she told me, that asshole wasn't deserving of a beautiful heart that Auntie has, and his whole family were a bunch of arrogant, egotistic people just like him. He obligated her for a divorce, abandoning her because she couldn't conceive. That family hadn't accepted Heeyoung from the start, and disapproved even more once they find out she can't get pregnant, because if she can't apport to carrying on the Lee name then the marriage can't be."

"That is so messed up! They don't deserve her anyways." Hyosonn says with a pained expression.

"Exactly. But now I am older and demonstrated I'm responsible with school, so she gave permission when the job opportunity came up, and I will finally be able to buy her something else besides sweets." Seonghwa replied, brushing his fingers along her jawline when they've come to a red traffic light. "And my girl gets to come help me."

"Wouldn't be anywhere else." she whispered, and reached to kiss him tenderly on the lips.

He doesn't let her pull away yet, and fondled her thigh as his tongue slips into her mouth and they kissed slowly. Before the light turned green, he stopped. She gazed shyly, making him smile.


When they got to the mall, and did window-shopping to see where Heeyoung's present will be found, they were firmly holding hands and neither embarrassed to show some affection every now and then. Seonghwa's felt like he'd explode with glee, never imagining the day he'd be walking through the mall with a girlfriend.

Just as they passed the glass of a jewelry store, he halted. "Wait. I saw something." He turned and searched for a shining silver piece where he swore he'd seen a butterfly.

Then he found it, and pointed at the silver necklace on display behind the window.

"Oh, it's very pretty. She likes butterflies?" Hyosonn remarked.

"It's one of her favorite animals. Let's see how much it is." He leads her into the store, and asks the employee at the front for the price of the necklace with a butterfly.

It was stainless steel, so a bit less expensive than if it were real silver.

"I'll take it." Seonghwa tells the woman, and waits for her to get it from the back since the one on display is only for show.

Hyosonn could see how joyous he was as they're waiting for the employee to box the jewelry piece in one that's a navy blue velvet.

He paid the person, and thanked her before they head out of the store.

They continued the search and Seonghwa saw a beautiful mint green leather journal at a bookstore. Mint green is Heeyoung's favorite color.

"For a diary?" Hyosonn asked curiously, running the tips of her finger over the quality material.

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