Chapter Nine

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He took her to a cozy, intimate cafe where the seating had areas where Seonghwa chose a spot that had glowing lanterns hanging above them, giving it a romantic feel.

"Did you eat?" he asks her, and she nods.

"How about dessert?" she chuckles, and watched his eyes darken with desire for a few seconds. "I was speaking of the many options the menu has for sweet things. Perv."

He grins teasingly, laughing quietly. "Okay, cake it is. I want one of those milky rolls. Auntie said they make the best here."

"Hmmm, I pick simple vanilla cake, and a Choco latte," Hyosonn decided.

"I am a simple guy, and just want a hot chocolate." Seonghwa snickered. "I'll go order now. See you in a minute," he murmurs, standing up and leaned to give her a peck on the lips.


Hyosonn was so overjoyed, euphoria surging everywhere internally, unable to believe how romantic Seonghwa has become. The way he tries to make her fall even more for him, it's painfully sweet. She observed the interior decor and thought this was such a lovely place to take a girlfriend.

And flowers! That's another first, besides her fave chocolates! She's all smiles when he returned to her with the device which buzzes once your order is ready to pick up.

"I wanna try a chocolate now..." she confessed, smiling sheepishly.

"Go ahead." he laughed.

"Want some, too?" she offered sweetly.

"If you feed it to me."

She grins, accepting the request. Lifting the lid, she wonders which to choose first, there was a variety to pick from. Deciding on the milk chocolate with vanilla filling, she takes it out of its place. This was for her first, and Seonghwa watched fixatedly as she parts her lips and bites down to have the creme pour onto her tongue, humming as she savored the taste and smirked at him who seemed fascinated and aroused, too.

"They're so yummy. Which would you like?" She motions with a hand over the chocolates, and heart lurching when he deliberately rubs his thumb along his bottom lip, also smirking enticingly.

"This one." He pointed at the chocolate with caramel inside. Scrumptious. She'd love a kiss of caramel on that delicious tongue of Seonghwa's.

"Good choice." She pulls it out and he opens his appetizing mouth of his and fed it to him. His plush lips wrapped around it, staring the entire time as he chewed.

"How does it taste?" she purred, her seat near his and easily leans towards him.

"Scandalous, angel," he whispered, and chuckles when she beckons for him to get closer, knowing what she's wanting. Sliding his tongue inside her mouth, she got to savor the caramel off her guy, sucking on it and he growled deeply. She moves back and grinned with satisfaction.

"My, I sure do enjoy chocolate more off you." she says in a suggestive tone.

"Can't a guy be romantic without his girl becoming seductive?" he teased, pretending to scold her.

"Valentine's Day is a day to show love in a vast number of ways. Romanticism, seduction..." she says breathlessly, about to touch along his crotch where she saw he'd grown, but the buzzer makes her shriek and jump.

"Saved by the buzzer. Looks like you didn't get to seduce me, yet." he murmurs, getting on his feet and brushing those lips up near her ear. "Patience, love." Then he's off to get their food.

Hyosonn sighed and laughs softly.

They were definitely enjoying dessert, chocolates and their respective drinks. Seonghwa would feed her some of his milky roll so she can taste it, and then she did the same for him.

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