Chapter Fifteen

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Thankfully, the slow-going hours in wait of getting the chest tubes removed from Hyosonn's chest didn't reflect anything that'd change the physician's decision to take them out.

Munhee, Yunho and Seonghwa stayed in that ICU room until Hyosonn is taken to get an X-ray before confirming Hyosonn was apt to commence the removal soon today. The intubation she'd had, it came off a moment before she went for the scanning, another marvelous sign of recovery.

Once she is returned to the room, the nurse mentioned that they're simply awaiting for her to be fully awake, because the procedure is done while the patient is conscious. They medicate the person 15 minutes before the doctor proceeds in the chest tube removal.

Her mother sat on the couch, observing her daughter's closed eyes and anxious for her to be conscious again.

Seonghwa is sitting in the chair by the bed, and his girl's best friends were behind him.

"Open those beautiful eyes of yours, baby. Come on," he urged, tracing the outline of Hyosonn's chin and face with the back of his index finger. He swore he's hallucinating because he thought he'd seen her lips twitch in a smile. It's a reflex. Yeah, that has to be it.

"Please, Sonn. Wake up. I know you're a Sleeping Beauty, but we need you to wake already," he pleaded.

"Remember how the girl in the fairytale woke, right?" Munhee murmured, smiling at his side.

"Yeah, Seonghwa. How about you try that?" Yunho chuckled, grinning.

Even Ms. Kang was smiling, and when Seonghwa sees her, she gave him an encouraging gesture.

"Guys, it's just in fairytales..." he said nervously.

"How do you know that's hundred percent true? You and Sonn are what a modern fairytale would be. The two who it was thought that they were unlikely to be together, but it happened because love has no limits, and it doesn't have a strict formula to follow." Yunho insisted.

Seonghwa exhaled quietly, looking at Hyosonn again, and at her moisturized lips that her mom would apply Chapstick along with care for her skin, so it doesn't become dry.

"You do make a point there..." He slowly gets up from the seat, and leaned forward above Hyosonn, then bends down to lower his face close to hers. He inhaled the delicious scent of the lotion she had on, and his lips touched her own. They felt like heaven, and he thought of how much he missed and craved to kiss them.

"Oh, my gosh! Look!" Munhee squealed, and his eyes instantly flutter open, pulling back a little and it wasn't an illusion he witnessed when he discovers Hyosonn's eyes very gradually were opening.

"Hy-Hyosonn...!" he gasped, tears brimming now.

"And there you h-have it. Sleeping Beauty is real, and it's K-Kang Hyosonn," Yunho said in a shaky voice, holding Munhee who started to cry with joy.

"My little girl!" Ms. Kang pounced off the couch and came to see.

Hyosonn squinted, looking up at her friends, her mother and the person who had her heart on his sleeve. Her vision was blurred and the lighting in the stark white room was a bit uncomfortable, but slowly it adjusted to the illumination.

"I'll go tell the nurse she woke up," her mom said quickly, running out of the room.

"Oh, Sonn, my beautiful Hyosonn..." Seonghwa sobbed, his face falling at the top of her shoulder. She carefully lifted her arm with the IV catheters inserted and he made it easier for her, then she placed it on his back. She felt his hard tremors where he cried on the crook of her neck, and he spoke incoherent things through his cries.

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