Chapter One

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A/N: I have returned with the sequel of Dark Shades of Hwa and really excited, hoping you'll like this continuation to the first book. If you haven't read the first, you should so that all this makes sense here.

I'll be updating regularly, depending how long it takes for me to edit any mistakes before publishing. 😊

 Seonghwa is on his back below a SUV trying to solve the problem the owner brought it to Daesong's uncle Kim Jeong Won's mechanic shop, on a weekend mid-afternoon. He'd just started this very week of mid-January, where at last Seonghwa doesn't have to bother his aunt for gasoline everytime he needs it for his Mustang.

Although, of course she gave his boss conditions before Seonghwa could take the job, because she doesn't want it to conflict with his schoolwork—when winter break ends and the commencing as seniors begins in March. (A/N: After I made the first book I realized that the semesters in South Korea are very different than U.S. or P.R. So if something doesn't make sense it's because I had to go along with the info I learned: 1st semester March-August with a vacation of July-August. 2nd semester September-February with winter vacation of December-February. So let's say Hyosonn was beginning her second term of eleventh grade or second year (Juniors) in Dark Shades!) So, after the break he'd only work Fridays after school from 4:00-7:00pm, and Saturdays, which Jeong Won gave him the hours of 8:00am-1:00pm. Because, despite Seonghwa's protests of what's the point in scoring high on the suneung exams (CSATS) when he wouldn't enroll into Seoul University or anywhere of the same caliber—Heeyoung wants him to study hard so he'll do well when the time comes to take the exams. Because Jeong Won knows Heeyoung since Seonghwa and Daeseong became friends, he respected her authority that she does to look after her nephew. But thankfully, Seonghwa got the job and was a great worker for Jeong Won, and got paid very well because of it despite not having a license. He moved some strings and the salary became $50 the hour.

In this three-month break, he's been working Monday through Friday 8:00am till 5pm, and on Saturday 8am-3pm.

Finally spotting the problem, he got on the task to fix the SUV and got very absorbed in his work until he hears someone who stood in front of the vehicle.

"Mr. Park, have you taken your lunch break? I believe it is time you should, sir."

Seonghwa grins, exhaling beneath the car and slides out the cart he was laying on, his day brightened by the angel that had a hand on her hip and the other carried a tote bag.

"Hey, precious. Time must've flown by and I didn't realize it's twelve already," he murmurs to his girl, Hyosonn.

She smirked perfectly, making his heart flutter. Damn, all dormant, nonexistent feelings she woke them all up and it still surprises him on every occasion they happen.

He sits up, stretching his muscles and leaves the metal cart halfway under the SUV.

"Let me at least wipe this grease off," he mentions, chuckling. Grabbing the towel set on the hood of the car, he removes gloves and cleans his face a bit to look somewhat decent given the circumstances of the messy work he has to do. "Alright, now I can greet my beautiful angel." That made her grin dazzlingly, and Seonghwa swore he fell for her all over again.

She stepped forward and reaches with tippy toes, he made things easier by bending down and gives her a tender, loving kiss. He hums, tasting the flavor of her lip balm.

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