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Malia heard that Stiles almost die and he was in the hospital, she know in some way that she dont have to go, that he deserve more that be in the hospital, but, she just love him so much. Malia didnt know what was going to do when she will see him again. She found Melissa in the reception talking with one nurse.

"Huh, Melissa?" she say undertone approaching to her. Melissa twirl to see Malia and she agape.

"Malia? What are you doing here?" she ask and Malia didnt know what to answer.

"Just, i want to..." she start to babble and Melissa laugh a little. Malia notice it and she sigh in frustration. "You know where is Stiles?" she ask more loud than she want.

"Oh! Yes, common, i will see him now" Melissa say pointing one room and Malia walk a little bit convinced. "Common" she say and she stop in the door. She twirl to see Malia smiling.

"What?" Malia ask.

"You know, although Stiles dont acept it, he miss you, you dont have any idea how much" she say and Malia frowned, how she know that?

"Sorry, how you know it?" Malia ask.

"Malia, i know Stiles since he was little. And you are his first girlfriend, he will never give up on you, so, i hope you two to be together again, i know how much important you are for him so..." Melissa open the door before Malia can say something and Malia hided next the door.

"You find tape player?" Stiles ask and Malia shiver when she hear his voice.

"No, but i find someone looking for you" Melissa say and she turn to Malia, Melissa nod to Malia pointing to Stiles.

Malia approach to the room and she enter. Her heart start to beat so fast and Stiles also. She just dont know what to do so she just look at Stiles. Stiles fell so nervous with the presence of Malia, what he have to do? How he can talk to her after the things he told to her? Malia need to talk to him, so she decide to tell him something for break that uncomfortable silence.

"I heard you almost got killed" she say. And Stiles paralyzed, she worry about him? She still loving him?

"I heard you almost got killed"he say trying to hide the enthusiasm she caused to him. Malia can hear the heart beat of Stiles, why he is nervous? He loves her? God! Stiles tell her something!

"You are okay?" Malia ask and Stiles nod.

"Yeah, Brunski punched me on the face, turns out he's a serial killer" he say and Malia nod.

"Make sense" she say and Stiles nod.

"Yeah, you are okay?" he ask and Malia look at his eyes.

"We almost get set on fire"she say like that happend everyday.

"Everyone okay?" he ask and Malia get a little angry. Everyone? He can not ask Scott about that?So, it means he dont care so much about her?

"Basically" she answer fast and Stiles nod.

"You are okay?" he ask and the heart of Malia start to go so fast.

"I'm fine" she answer trying to hide her enthusiam.Oh no! God! She is felling an rare impetus to hug him and kiss him! Why?! "I'm gonna go" she say turning to the door. And she hear that heart of Stiles start to sound so fast and loud.

"You dont have to" Stiles say, she cant let her go. She is the love of her life! She's his anchor!

"I should go" Malia insisted.

"Okay" he say. Why he say that? He dont want to let her go? God!

Malia take the handle of the door nd she try to open it but she cant.

"It's locked" she say and Stiles frowned, but he want to smile. Yes! He think.

"What?" he ask approaching to the door. He get so close to Malia, more than he want, Malia nootice it, she just cant move, she want to stay close to him. "Umm.. Melissa? Hey Melissa?" Stiles shout.

"I can break it" Malia prupossed, if she didnt go, she will kiss him and Stiles shook his head, he cant enable her to go.

"I think not, and we owe a lot of money to this hospital" Stiles say inventing an excuse. Malia sigh, God! Melissa!

"Why she locked the door" Malia shout frustrated.

"Well, maybe she didnt mean too" he say and little bit sad. She dont want to stay with him? Now she hate him?

"You dont just accidently locked a door" Malia say a little nervous but she sound angry making Stiles fell more and more sad.

"Okay, maybe. She wasnt thinking, exactly. She wasnt thinking at trhough, you know people do some times things, that they are not thinking at through" she say trying to explain to her and Malia frown.

"Then she is stupid" is only that Malia can say.

"No, even smart people can do stupid thinks. You know cause they think that is the right think. And- and, i dont think we should against her, you know, for the rest of our life" Stiles say moving his hands and Malia just stare at him. "Specially because, she is trying to apologizing, hundred of times, through texts, and voice mails"

"Is she gonna keep begging?" she ask approaching to Stiles.

"She might" he ask undertone getting more close to her.

"I dont have much practice iin thinks like, forgiveness" she say and Stiles try to look at her eyes but she dont allow it. "Some thinks are picking up fast" she say and the eyes of Stiles found Malia's. "But other things are like..." she say looking for the right word.

"Like math?" he ask and Malia look at him, he know exactly tha words he need to use to hurt her, make her happy and in this case, tell her that he care about her.

"I hate math!" Malia say looking at his eyes.

"You hate me?" Stiles ask, in other moment he will know the answer but now, he was so nervous, What if Malia tell him that dont? What if Malia break up with him? Malia cant admit that she loves him, he hurt her so much to admit it.

"I like you, Stiles. I like you a lot" she say and Stiles sigh. She didnt tell him that she loves him, but 'I like you' is something.

"Yeah, i can work with that." he say undertone. Oh shit! Malia think. Why he have that face? When she look at him, she want kiss him every time!

She take the face of Stiles with her hand and pull him to her lips. When their lips they both sigh. It had been a long time without kissing each other. Malia want to cry, punish him and hug him, but the only thing she do, was press more her lips to his. Stiles just want to keep her with him, he pass his hands around her back, caressing her, they kiss until the air was over, they both separate and they look at each other.

It's progress... Stiles think. This is why Malia is his anchor, and Stiles is hers.

The door opens and they both twirl to see it frowning, but they never separate. Stiles like to be like this with Malia, hugging her, like he will never going to let her go again. And Malia enjoy so much the warm body of Stiles with hers.

My "ANCHOR"(Stalia Fanfiction) [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now