Hanahaki AU: Chapter 1

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By the way, I wanted to mention that Kara didn't leave with the Sleeper in this story; she sticks around with the others.

There are also other changes, like Krithika had not come back at her party and Aiden hasn't kissed her.


Aru plopped down on her bed, tiredly surveying her room. After her spectacular party, all she had done was sulk and binge-watch movies with the other Potatoes. She couldn't believe this had happened. How could she let her guard down? She told her sisters she didn't want that party and look what came of it. Aru sighed and buried her face into her pillow and screamed. Her mom hadn't come yet, and Aru really needed her now. With all these thoughts swirling around in her head, Aru fell into a deep but restless sleep.

"Ugh," Aru muttered. They, and they meaning the Potatoes, were all in her living room, mumbling and nervously looking at each other. Aru made eye contact with them, and they shut up immediately.


"Okay, look, we've lost our celestial weapons, the Sleeper is very close to getting the amrita and now... we're sitting ducks." Aru ranted, pacing in front of them.

"But we've got Kara," Aiden put in as he reached for Kara's hand. Kara blushed bright red and averted her eyes as she tried to suppress her smile.

Aru stiffened. She'd noticed that ever since the Sleeper's invasion, Aiden had been super protective of Kara and the two had gotten much closer. She hated the two sneaking off together and quietly talking to each other and giggling about something. Aru quickly shook that thought out of her head when she noticed Brynne raising an eyebrow at her.

Get a grip, Shah.

Aru avoided Kara and Aiden's questioning gaze and closed her eyes. She just needed to calm down. It's fine, Aru told herself. Just chill. Relax.

"Fine, alright. Kara, do you know how you can help?" Aru said, a drip of annoyance in her voice. Kara looked down shamefully.

"I- no, I, uh...don't really know," she mumbled. Aiden glared Aru and Aru found herself looking at him in the same way.

"What?" she protested. Aiden just rolled his eyes, stood up and stepped forward until he was face to face with Aru. Aru's eyes went wide. Was he going to kiss her?

"It's not Kara's fault that she doesn't know! Why do you have to make everyone feel so bad about themselves?"

Aru gaped at him. She made people feel bad? All the emotions Aru had kept locked away in her small box of insecurity broken open and she lashed out.

"Bad? You're one to talk!" Aru shouted in tears. "Do you have any idea of what I'm going through? My mom is missing, and my dad has been trying to kill me, kill us, and that's what you say?"

Aiden opened his mouth to say something but shut it again. Aru backed away as she reached the foot of the staircase

"I need some time to myself. Just...go. Everyone," Aru mumbled, tears still tracking down her face. As she raced upstairs she heard one last thing come out of Aiden's mouth.

"I might not know what you've been through, Shah, but I do know that you're not trustworthy, nor worth it!"

As Aru slammed her door, locked it and collapsed on her bed sobbing, she started choking violently. She could hear heavy footsteps race up the stairs and Brynne pounding at the door.

"Aru! Aru, are you ok? Answer me!" Aru could hear Mini call for her through her laboured breaths.

After hacking a few more times Aru's gaze landed on something that came out of her mouth and onto her pillow. It was blush-pink and scarlet. As she peered at it even closer, her eyes widened in shock.

It was a bloody petal.

Hey guys, how was that? Sorry it's so short, I don't have a lot of time to do this. I'll try and update soon, but only time will tell.


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