Hate you, Love you Pt 2

194 7 16

I'm ded.

I actually need to reread what I write bc istg, I don't even remember half of the shiitake I put down. So it's Sunday ig.


Aru stomped up the stairs, dumping her bag at the entrance to the apartment. The audacity of the guy! Why would he go to those lengths?

"He's just an idiot, calm down," Aru muttered to herself, continuing to slam open her bedroom door and scampered to her side of the room. The bedroom had to be split into two for the sisters to share, since there weren't any more rooms for Kara to move into. 

Calm down? CALM DOWN?!! Her brain retaliated.

"AAAAHHH!" Aru screamed, flopping onto her bed and thrashing around wildly for a few minutes. A gentle knock on her doorframe made Aru look up, her head still spinning.

Krithika smiled down at her daughter, and walked towards her bed, proceeding to sit down and pat her head. 

"What's wrong, beta?"

Aru pouted into her pillow, making her mother laugh. She sighed and flipped over to face her. Krithika Shah's beauty was certainly one of a kind, with her warm smile, caramel coloured skin and her long glossy hair. Everything which Kara had clearly inherited. But Aru? She had thick and unruly hair that was a pain to brush every morning, skin the colour of chestnuts and the only thing that she happened to inherit from her mother just had to be the cause of her 5 foot nothing self.

Aru closed her eyes, the feeling of her mothers hand stroking her hair gently lulled her. 

"Its Aiden acting like a snob again."

Krithika hummed, a sign to let Aru know that she was listening. Aru continued on.

"And it's so frustrating to see his smug grin on his stupid little face whenever he talks a-and he's just a jerk in general! I honestly don't understand why Kara would date that idiot."

Aru cracked one eye open to see Krithika with a wry smile gracing her face. Aru's eyebrow went up at her reaction. "What?"

"Well, what if he just wants to be friends with you? Maybe he just feels nervous," Krithika said.

Aru stared up at her mother as if she grew another two heads. Krithika threw her head back and laughed at Aru's expression that got up slowly. Still smiling, she stroked Aru's head and walked towards the door, calling over her shoulder, "Come on, I'll make the popcorn. I think it's time for some Lord of the Rings destress time."

"At least take a shower, I don't need a salty and germ-ridden sofa!"

"Mooom! Can you pass me the Swedish Fish?"

Krithika rolled her eyes, bringing out the hot, buttery popcorn and some mango lassi. Aru arched her eyebrows at the drink, making Krithika shrug in response.

"What? It's a good drink. Not as good as Brynne's, that girl is a wizard when it comes to food," Krithika said smiling. 

Aru giggled, wrapped up in her fluffy oodie. "Yeh that's true, but I like yours as well."

Krithika opened her mouth to say something, when her phone buzzed continuously. She looked down at her device with a frown as she opened her messages, her eyes scanning over the words. Sighing Krithika got up suddenly and looked back at her daughter that was sucked into the movie, one hand in the bucket of popcorn and the other stuffing her mouth with Swedish Fish. 

"Beta..." Krithika trailed off, catching Aru's attention. She smirked a little at the sight of her child looking like a greedy chipmunk, before composing herself.

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