Hanahaki AU: Chapter 8 Part 2

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Guys, I'm trying to update as much as I can in the next two weeks.

3rd person (Aiden) POV:

Aiden stared down at Aru, her beautiful face wearing a peaceful smile. The only thing that was missing from it was life. His tears streamed down his face, landing on those lips that he kissed only a few seconds ago. He didn't think he would ever emotionally recover from this. It was too much. Aiden knew that he should call the Potatoes and break the news to them, but he couldn't, because that would mean he would never have another moment with Aru for the rest of his life.

 His breaths came and went in short sharp pants and the room was blurred by his tears. The flowers had stopped growing, but they hadn't just stopped growing, they completely withered away and disappeared. That Aiden's fingers slowly found her chin and he slowly closed her mouth and without any hesitation, placed a final kiss on her lips. He couldn't tear himself away from her and he took a deep breath to try and recover, but he knew he wouldn't. He couldn't. 

"I love you, Aru."

He gripped Aru's hand and rocked back and forward, tipping his head back towards the ceiling as he recalled the memories that now meant more to him. He smiled softly, remembering those hot days in June when they used to go to the froyo shop that was just around the corner, or when the Potatoes used hide out in the warm museum during winter while Brynne toiled around in the kitchen and made hot, spicy food and hot cocoa for the gang.

"Hey Aru," Aiden started of softly, feeling stupid, but continued on. "Remember that time you guys came over to my house for that movie night? Rudy insisted on seeing Snakes on a Plane and once the movie was over, he kept on ranting about how he would have never gone on a commercial flight. You promised that you'd take everyone to Hawaii when we got the time and fell over laughing at Rudy's face."

He chuckled to himself, still looking up.

"And that time you had stolen a piece of that triple-tier cherry and chocolate sponge cake she had baked for three days straight, even though Mini and I told you not to take it. You were planning to eat it out in the sunshine, but Nikita bumped into you, and the cake splatted onto her new designer dress. The two chased you all over the apartment, even downstairs into the museum. I don't think either of them has forgiven you for that still."

He took a deep breath. It hurt in more ways possible than he had ever known.

"And when we had to make the decorations for the school's Valentine dance that was on your birthday. You came over to mine that day after school to help, but we had barely even mad 15 out of the 200 paper carnations that we needed to make, and you had already started a movie marathon. God, I hate volunteering."

"That wasn't volunteering, we were volun-told."

Aiden snapped his head back down towards Aru and his mouth fell open in surprise. Aru was weakly grinning back at him, alive.


Tears welled up in Aiden's eyes and he threw himself at her and squeezed her tight. Aru was struggling to breathe and she rolled her eyes, smiling internally.

"Okay, I don't really wanna die again, so..."

Then, as Aiden realised something, his eyes narrowed and he pulled back, a faint trace of red dusting his cheeks.


Said person squirmed around a bit, avoiding Aiden's gaze.

"...How long were you awake?"

He couldn't bring himself to say alive. Aru closed her eyes and sighed, the grin still lingering on her face. Then she snapped them back open, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

"Long enough," she snarked. Aiden rolled his eyes and sighed, unable to stop smiling. He pulled her close and smirked at her red face.

"Then you'll know that I meant what I said before, right?"

Aru averted her eyes, which was hard since her forehead was pressed against his and she turned even redder than before.


He waited, his eyes never leaving her face. She finally answered, mumbling under her breath.

"I don't know?" she squeaked out, then seemed to visibly cringe at the statement that sounded like a question. He chuckled lowly, making shivers go up her spine. He traced circles on her cheek and jaw, only flustering her more. Aru's eyes flicked over to his dangerously near mouth then back down at her interesting duvet.

"Okay, I guess I'll have to remind you then."

Before Aru could say anything, Aiden firmly pressed his lips against hers. She grew stiil for a moment before hesitantly kissing him back. The two pulled away, but not far enough that they couldn't lock lips again. Before they could lean in for another one, they heard slow clapping from the door and whipped their heads in that direction. Brynne stood there with her phone, with the biggest smirk. The twins were giggling and making smoochy kiss faces behind her and Mini and Rudy for full on laughing and crying. Aiden and Aru's face flamed and the Potatoes squashed them in a celebratory hug, before Brynne jumped up onto the bed.

"MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" she cried and everyone burst into a fit of giggles. 

"Yeah, took you two long enough anyways," Nikita snarked. 

Aru just smiled. No matter how much teasing she would endure now for the rest of her life, she was glad.

Because she was alive.

Aiden noticed the look on her face, grabbed her hand and smiled. 

"Their never gonna shut up about this nor, am I right?"

Aru giggled and impulsively leaned into his shoulder.


Guys, guys, guys, it's not done yet! Stay tuned!



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