Hanahaki AU: Chapter 2

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Aru stared at the petal in horror, only dimly registering her sisters screaming from outside her door. The door burst open, and Aru whirled around to face her sisters who all started reprimanding her at once.

"Aru, you need to answer-"

"Shah, why didn't you-"

"I foresee something bad-"

"Obviously, her outfit sucks-"


The new voice shook Aru out of her daze, and she glanced over to the person. Her mouth fell open and her eyes began to well with tears yet again.

"Mom!" Aru barrelled into Krithika's arms and was once again overwhelmed by the deep smell of jasmine and inky books. Dr K.P. Shah held her daughter close. Then she pulled away and cupped Aru's face, her eyes shining with tears.

"Beta, I promise you, I didn't want to leave, I-"

But before Krithika could finish, a blinding white light washed over everyone in the room. Mother and daughter both shielded their eyes and looked at the figure who was hovering off the ground. Kara's eyes were filled with wonder and pain as she gazed at Krithika.

"You're my mom?"

Aru inhaled deeply but it soon turned into coughing fit. Ever since that first petal she had coughed up, she had been choking up more, her lungs feeling like they could burst. She didn't know what it was, so she did some research.

When she had read the results, her heart almost stopped.

It was Hanahaki, a disease that was born when someone had unrequited love for another, but they did not return the persons feelings. There are only two things that could fix it; get surgery and forever forget the one you loved or get them to love you back. Or else...

You would die.

It was meant to be a mythical disease, but it can't be if Aru has it, right? A lump had formed in her throat.


Now she was walking in the park, trying to make a rational decision. Aru shivered, wondering if her sleeveless yellow hoodie would be enough, and glared apprehensively at a pedestrian looking at her. She hadn't told anyone else and started to wear a mask wherever she went. Yes, there were the occasional looks and glances, but Aru couldn't even bother to snap at the on-lookers. Only a day had passed since the first petal, and she only had thirteen left. Aru massaged her forehead and groaned. What was she going to do?

As she opened the front door of the museum, she could hear music playing in the background and the tinkling sound of Kara's laughter. Aru's stomach lurched uncomfortably as she climbed the stairs into the apartment, the door creaking open. Aiden and Kara were up and dancing to music in the living room, Aiden's hands around her waist and Kara laughing nervously, her hair tumbling gracefully onto her shoulders. Aru's eyes widened at the sight, then doubling over and coughing before she could escape into her room. The pair's eyes widened and they pulled apart to help as they saw Aru on the floor, choking.

Mainly just Kara though. Aiden only looked worried for a second before his eyes narrowed in disdain. Aru could practically hear his question even though he never spoke.

What were you doing, Shah?

"Aru! Oh my god! Aiden, call mom!" Kara yelled. Aiden's eyes blanked before he nodded and scampered off to find Krithika. Through her tears, Aru tried to say something, but her tightening throat wouldn't let her. Kara quickly bundled up Aru in her arms and ran to her room. Darkness began to creep into the corner of Aru's vision and Kara's voice sound so far away.

"It's okay, Aru..."

Then the deep, suffocating black swallowed her, and all remnants of the outer world disappeared from view.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know, she coughed up a lot of blood..."

"Blood isn't good! BLOOD IS NOT GOOD!"

"Calm down, Mini!"

"What were those rose petals doing on her shirt?"

"Beta? Aru, can you hear me?"

Aru groaned and tried to open her eyes, blinking the spots out of her vision. She saw eight blurry faces peering down on her and she shook her head, eyes weak from a feverish, dark sleep.

"Ugh...my head...what the hell happened?" Aru mumbled feebly. She felt a finger on her mouth and a figure gently shushing her. Aru blinked and she saw her mom looking down at her in concern, her sisters and Aiden right behind her.

"Is she awake?" A loud and obnoxious voice called out. Everyone turned to the snake that was leaning against her bedroom wall and glared at him.

Ugh, Rudy as well?

Rudy wilted a little against the other Potatoes gazes and resorted to eying the Marvel and LOTR posters on Aru's bedroom wall.


Aru tried to get up, but her body was screaming at her to stop, so she had no choice but to flop back onto the bed. She stared at the ceiling, the air growing thicker every minute with unanswered questions. When she peeked at the others, only Aiden was left; the others most likely left to let her rest now and grill her about her sudden fainting spell later. Aru quickly went to look away, but Aiden had sat down on her bed next to her and was studying her face intensely, his face unreadable.

Aru blushed; she was a mess and as usual, Aiden looked effortlessly gorgeous. Aiden raked his hand through his hair and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Shah."

Aaaghh! Go aiden! By the way, I will try and update during weekdays, preferably every 2-3 days, but lets see how it goes.


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