Proving a point

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Lol, it's like 11:30 rn but this just came to my mind.

*Aru, mad at Rudy for obvious reasons*

Aru: YOU LIL'-

Rudy: Big brain moment, but I'm taller than you.


Aru: *drags over a stool and stands on it*

Aru: *points down at Rudy* YOU LITTLE SHI-


*Aru and Mini strolling in a random forest*

Aru: Hey Mini, what goes- *spots a deep ditch*


Mini: *glares at Aru*

Aru: *terrified* -iitake

Welp, I sacrificed the last of my brain cells for you guys. These are both my own ideas btw.

Hoped you enjoyed it!


Aru Shah OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora