Chapter 8

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I clutched my head as I woke up after the short nap my body drenched in sweat .I walked to the bathroom deciding to shower I jumped in the hot shower as it relaxed my body and my exhausted body started to lighten a bit

I wrapped the robe around me changing into a normal outfit .I saw the time in the watch it was 7 I walked outside with my ipod and keys incase I felt like driving somewhere

I walked out as the cool breeze hit my face I breathed in the fresh air as my body soothed .I started to walk after playing my playeing my favorite song on my ipod which was "six  degrees of seperation " by script

i closed my eyes for a moment to shut everything out and just relax a bit . the music was blaring in my ears that i didnt even notice when someone harshly pulled me into their chest . instantly my eyes flew open as i felt myself being alarmed . i quickly pulled the ear phones out of my ears and suddenly brian came into my view .

"are you out of your mind walking on the road like nothing what if you would have got hitten by that car !" brian yelled at me looking totally mad as I stood there in complete shock "what are you talking about ? what car?'' i was just walking why would a car come and hit me here?

'' well if you would walk with your eyes open then you would've noticed that some one was trying to kill you by running over you with their car'' he scowled at me

realization hit me all of a sudden

it was one of my enemies , they tried to kill me while i was walking . what should i do now lock myself at home now? why does it have to be me ? what did i do to deserve this.

'' umm thankyou for saving me brian maybe you are not that big of an asshole'' i smirked ''yeah maybe you are not a huge bitch too?'' i scoffed as he chuckled and walked away to his car .

I put up my tough exterior as I walked towards home thinking about things ,I checked  the time on my iPod it was almost  8 now.

still 4 hours I have to pick up the order at 12

I decided to go grab a frappuccino .I drove to star bucks as I entered the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans entered through my nostrils


I walked to the counter to order "yes how can I help you ?" the kind girl asked "i want a regular frappuccino" she noded .

I grabbed the frappuccino and sat down on one of the table beside the window .

I stared outside lost in my own thoughts

What is my life turning into? its a total mess .I dont know what to do anymore me. being in danger is not that big of a deal but the thought of the most important people in my life getting hurt scares me a lot especially mari, blake and my friends . its not only me who has the threat but all the people who are close to me and i cant sstand them getting hurt bcause of me .

my phone vibrated in my lap . i unlocked it ,there was a message from an unknown number .

'you got saved by that peice of shit but now my target is not only you '

all the blood fall from my face . this is what exactly i feared

i quickly typed back

'dont you dare even lay a finger on any one of my friends or my family'

'you will pay for what you did 2 years ago'

the unknown person replied . i racked my brain but nothing came up i dont remember what i did 2 years ago. 

"Not your good girl Mr.Badboy" (UNDERCONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now