Chapter 2

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It was lunch time. I won't lie, I'm a bit excited to meet Olivia and talk to Sebastian some more. It's not often that people are nice to me. I enter the cafeteria and grab my lunch from the canteen. I could see everyone staring at me out of the corner of my eye but I don't mind them. I scan the room to find Sebastian, eager to sit down. Finally, I see Sebastian waving over at a corner table and I smile as I make my way to the opposite side of the room.

"Hello, Cia- um, I mean Ciara," Sebastian speaks nervously. "Haha, call me Cia," I reply, smiling widely at him. "And if I'm not wrong, you're Olivia, right?" I speak softly to the shy girl sitting next to him. "Hehe, yes. I'm Olivia." She gives me a toothy grin, coming out of her shell a bit.

I sit down across from them and we three talked the entire time, until the cafeteria went dead silent. Guess why.

Mr. Asshole enters in with his big meathead buddies. I watch as he proudly strides towards an empty table near the center of the room and fills the table with his cronies.

'What are you, a king here?' I think to myself, almost laughing out loud.

I roll my eyes and look away, returning to my lunch when I see Olivia stiffen in her seat. I nudge her and she quickly turns her gaze to me then looks away, staring at the table. "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask, somewhat concerned. "Uh-huh, yeah, nothing," she says distantly. I don't buy the half-assed response. Something's up but I don't try to push further seeing as we had just become acquaintances so I don't expect her to trust me with anything big.

I return to chewing on my fries while wondering what was wrong.

We all start chatting again once people stopped staring at the guy and his friends but Olivia is still obviously acting a bit strange. It's as if she's weary of her every move and I honestly don't know why.

The lunch ends and the three of us deposit our trays in the dirty pile and walk out of the cafeteria. Once out, we decide to swap numbers.

"So, Sebastian. Tell me something about you," I propose after Olivia excused herself to the bathroom. "Hmm, well. My name is Sebastian Carter and I currently live here with my dad as my parents are divorced. It's been a year since I shifted over here after living in New York and I guess that's it." I nod in response and say "Oh, interesting," as Olivia joins us again. "Hey guys, I'm back," she chirps cheerily.

Thank God that it's our free period so we don't have to go to our classes yet. We all make our way to the bleachers, take seats next to each other, and proceed to chat about our lives. Olivia tells Sebastian and I about how her mom and dad are going on a business trip to California and describes how disappointedly upset she is that she can't go with them. She feels lonely without them. I decide to speak up and try to soothe her. "Olivia, we can plan hangouts and stuff, right?" I ask. She gives me an excited grin that lights up her eyes and she squeals, "Oh yes! We can plan hangouts together! Right, Sebastian?" She claps her hands together like a child and I look at Sebastian as we both burst out laughing at how Olivia is acting. "Okay, guys. Stop it now," she whines after a short while, causing Sebastian and I to sober up. "I better get going. See you tomorrow! And yes, Sebastian, better plan a hangout, okay?" I say in amusement causing him to chuckle. He nods and I bid farewell, proceeding towards the parking lot while thinking about how good it feels to have friends.

I never really had friends before because everyone thought that I was an intimidating troublemaker. I guess I was kind of scary so they never tried to approach me and mingle with me at all, and to be honest, I barely even know anyone at the school. They're all just a mass of faces. Now that it's my last year, I'm a little bit different now. This time I want to make friends, and authentic, good ones. Not those fake ones at all.

Finally the school day ends and I walk across the parking lot, spotting the guy (you know - the one I bumped into and slapped in the face earlier? Let's make it more precise: the asshole) leaning against the hood of his car while inhaling a few long puffs of his cigarette.

'Well, Mr. Bad Boy. You didn't make a very good impression. Sorry. Now you have to suffer because you created a great antipathy for yourself,' I say in my head as I approach him.

"If it isn't the one and only bitch," he spat the words out at me. I roll my eyes as he continues. "Whoever the fuck you are, just listen up. I will make this year a living hell for you. You should be punished for what a sin you committed." His eyes narrow at me as he speaks and I chuckle at his threat. "Game on, Jerk." I smirk and walk away, striding confidently.

'Huh, the jerk is already trying to threaten me. He doesn't know who I am, but I'll show him soon enough.'

Once I make it to the driver's side of my car, I hop in, catching a glance of the admiration in his eyes for my car as his eyes soaked up its features. I sat in the seat, grasped the wheel firmly, and stepped on the gas while still in park, making the engine roar to life, knowing damn well that he's still staring. I reverse my car and speed off out of the parking lot, slamming the brakes and gas before leaving, making the car screech and leave a rubber-melting burnout. I resist the urge of giving him the middle finger, and quickly make my escape from school.

Soon enough, I'm home again - actually, I don't even consider this place my home; it's just a house to me. Anyway, when I walk through the living room, I spot my father is sitting on the couch with his fiance Bianca seated next to him. Ugh, how I hate that whore and that jerk. I don't even like to call him 'Dad.'

He is a murderer.

I groan audibly as his head snaps in my direction. His glare is set on my eyes but I ignore the dirty looks they both are giving me and walk into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a Dr. Pepper can from the fridge and gulping it down, savoring the pain the carbonation caused to my throat.

I climb upstairs, not peaking another glance at the two on the couch. I dive onto my extremely comfy bed as soon as I enter my room and change into comfy clothes: a tank top and pajama shorts. Grabbing my laptop, I decide to distract my mind and go to Netflix.

Hours tick by, the boredom taking over me. I can only take so much of Netflix before it becomes tiring. As I shut the laptop screen with a click, a thought crosses my mind. I pick up my phone and dial Cameroon's number. He is one of my only few good friends - well, he's a racing buddy.

"Hey, Cia. 'Sup?" He asks, picking up the call almost immediately. "Hey, Cameroon. I just wanted to know if there are any races happening tonight," I say. "Yeah, there's a couple. You wanna join?" He asks enthusiastically. I mentally dance with joy and respond cooly. "Of course! I'll be there. You know I never miss such a chance." "That's fantastic. Be on time!" He reminds me. "I'm never late. I'll see you tonight! Bye," I hang up after he returned the farewell.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips while I tousle my hair with my hand.

Tonight I'm going to loosen up.

Short chapter I know ! Sorry guys im busy now a days but I will try to update more frequent
And dont be a ghost reader please comment and vote I will really appreciate it
Bubyee :*
Edited by CorrynPatterson

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