11. Nobody Perfect

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I see people at church jumping up and down during worship.

I see people quoting scripture like it rolls off their tongue.

I see people living in their purpose, preaching, singing, bringing people to Jesus.

I see people so on fire for God that they live and breathe him every day and every second.

I see how people say God spoke to them about something.

I see people speaking in tongues.

I see perfection when I see all of the above.

I desire that. I envy that. I want that. God why don't I have that?

That person you see quoting scripture like it rolls off their tongues, they sit before Me deep in their word every day. That person you see living in their purpose, they spent time with Me, died to self, overcame many tests and trials, prayed and had faith that I would mould them into the person I created them to be. However all these people you see were once like you, and they were sceptical in faith at some points, they didn't understand My word, their flesh wanted gratification and while it still does, now the spirit is strong enough to tame such desires.


Nobody on earth has ever been brought to the world as a full grown human being, not even Jesus Christ. This same principal is applied to our spirits as well. Everybody starts out as a baby, small in faith with a lack of understanding and wisdom. The more we eat from the bread of life and drink from the fountain of everlasting living water (the word), the more we grow. Then eventually, just like babies, we learn to walk and talk as similarly to Christ as possible.

If there's anything my God has taught me, it's that this is a journey. Don't get frustrated because you don't get it or because your friend is seeing prophetic dreams and you're not, it's okay. Take your time to know God but be intentional about it. If that small voice pops up in your head saying 'I should do some bible study today', listen to it, that's Jesus asking you to come and sit with Him.

Nobody is perfect and Jesus doesn't want perfect, He wants us with all our imperfections and while that's hard to believe it's true. Loving Him isn't complicated so don't make it harder than it is, seek and you will find joy in spending time with Him.

Just a few of my thoughts... I hope it encourages someone out there.

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