13. In My Weakness His Strength is made Perfect

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A year ago today I started this online diary, I must say it didn't go exactly how I expected but Lord knows I have come a long way. It's been 3 months since my last post and I'd like to say that since then I have grown in the Lord. He has shown me so much these past 3 months and to celebrate the one year anniversary of this book I'm about to share a testimony with you all.

I'm going to start by telling you all a little bit about my academic history. Since I was young I wanted to be a doctor and I carried that aspiration up until the age of 17. I had just received the most devastating AS level results, 2 C's and 2 E's. My dream of ever getting into medicine was crushed, anyone in the UK knows that to do Medicine you need:

1. 100 A*s at GCSE

2. 10 years hospital experience

3. all A*s at Alevel

4. and a seemingly great social life just to add a dash of personality in there.

All of the above I didn't have (except the latter because – not to toot my own horn but - I'm pretty awesome). I was in a limbo, in a place I didn't want to be repeating the year and not knowing what I was about to do for the rest of my life, just imagine how I felt?

So fast forward half way into my year of repeating and exams are approaching, I'm prepared and I'll be due to start writing my personal statement (a formal letter stating why you want to study the course and why the university should take you) very soon but I don't know what I was studying let alone the university I'd be applying for. My family started to question me about it which added even more pressure so I thought since I like Psychology I might as well study that right? Wrong. It was interesting to me but I could hardly see myself doing it for the rest of my academic life! The only thing that attracted me was the idea of walking down the streets of central London to a fancy office in a suit and heels every morning – not exactly the best motive for a degree huh? Nevertheless I convinced myself I would fall in love with it and went to visit universities all over the country. Out of all, there was only one that I could see myself at, it was perfect! It wasn't too far from home, mostly city but with lots of greenery, it was a modern build and cost of living was well within my range. But truly what was the point of going to an amazing university to study a course I don't enjoy?

One day my mum and brother called me for a serious sit down and I just broke down. It sounds like such a minor issue to cry over but I was truly afraid that I'd end up studying something I hated. That night I went back to the drawing board and started thinking about what else interested me. I looked at a healthcare website for careers in the medical field besides nursing and found one focusing specifically on the heart. I remembered always being fascinated by the heart and lungs at GCSE so I started to look into it. Believe I was on my laptop for hours looking for more information and the more I found out, the more peace I had. So I checked what universities teach it, only 5 were within a distance I was willing to travel but lo and behold the university I fell in love with last year taught the degree. If there's anything I love more than Jollof rice, it's confirmation from God Himself!

So I did my exams that year, achieved AABB and continued onto year 13. I began to apply to university but then another dilemma hit, my mum wanted me to go from home meaning I'd have to give up my dream university. I didn't know what to do so I brought it to God, I said Lord you wouldn't let me dishonour my mum to go to this university because you said I must honour thy mother and thy father so if I'm meant to be at that university then you'll change her mind. Won't He do it?! She came to me and said I should go to a university I desire, that she'll support me all the way. So I applied for that university, went to all my interviews and got an offer on the condition that I achieve ABB at Alevel.

When exam period came I gave it all to God! Even as I studied I said: Lord give me understanding where I don't understand. You created the people who wrote my exams, you created biology and chemistry full stop so who better to teach me? Send people my way who will help me achieve what you've already written will happen.

I still believe that it was by His might that I managed to understand the whole curriculum in the last 3 months of school. However no matter how much faith I had in Him, sitting in the exam hall was a dreadful experience, the last 2 years and the next 3 years was reliant on my performance so at that very moment so I prayed:

Lord you didn't bring me this far for me to fail, teach me to trust in You. The little knowledge I have, take it and multiply it as You did with the two loaves of bread and five fish. Lord you said in my weakness Your strength is made perfect, so Lord be my rock and help me with these exams.

Exam season was tough, I cried, comfort ate and was quite sleep deprived but I got through it and today I'm sitting in my university accommodation at the university of my dreams, studying a course I love. I'll never forget the way I fell on the floor in tears the day I found out I got in! The crazy thing is I actually got A*BC in the end so I was a grade down from the entry requirement but WON'T HE DO IT!!!

This may seem like such a minor story to call a testimony and some may say it was sheer luck, I say it was the God I serve. I know He purposed me to be here because I've met such an amazing Christian family at my new uni and I've grown so much spiritually since I got here.

Moral of the story is – Trust Him. Take everything to Him, your worries and your joy, He has promised us comfort in the good and bad times and He has a plan to give us a hope and future. That's all guys! These past 12 months have been a success, there is so much to Christ and the Word and the Holy spirit and God and everything! I pray you continue to seek Him, no matter your age you will find a joy in Him that nobody can replace or take away trust me on that.

God bless you all and thank you for reading x

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