BFDI 2: Carriers and Rock Walls

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February 1st, 2010

Pencil absently flipped the Win Token she'd won earlier that day through her fingers as she waited for the Announcer to finish explaining the second contest

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Pencil absently flipped the Win Token she'd won earlier that day through her fingers as she waited for the Announcer to finish explaining the second contest. She had spectated the Squashy Grapes' Cake At Stake just before, and it was immensely satisfying to watch Spongy become the first contestant eliminated. Things are still changing, she thought.

"...Cherries, you are missing a team member," she heard the Announcer say. Despite not being on the Cherries anymore, Pencil perked up and listened more closely. "If you don't find that team member in the next hour, your team automatically loses."

Yes! She pumped her fist. I knew it! Blocky almost got eaten by that fish monster last episode, so the Cherries are gonna have to waste a bunch of time finding him!

Announcer beckoned a giant green O over, and the contest began.


Needle immediately broke into a sprint and almost took the lead, beaten only by Snowball. More FreeSmarters began to run, but Pin shouted, "Squishy Cherries! Stop!"

All the Cherries came to a halt. "We have to decide who will find Blocky and who will run the course."

"We'll find Blocky!" Pen and Eraser harmonized.

"Leafy, you go too. And... Tennis Ball! Go with them!"

"But Golf Ball and I are a duo..."

"So? Just go already!"

Reluctantly, TB turned to follow the others to the edge of the Goiky Canal. "Golf Ball!" he called out behind him. "Don't wait up, okay?"

Although TB couldn't see her anymore, GB nodded. "It would be a tactical disadvantage to wait. I shall do my best up ahead!"

Pin rolled her eyes at this as she passed the gray globule. Picking up speed, she ran past several other objects, dodging around them with relative ease. She slowed briefly after seeing Pencil, Match, and Bubble just leisurely strolling down the path. What's THEIR deal?


A few more minutes of running brought her to a wall slowly rising from the ground. She leapt with all her might in an attempt to get over it, but at the last second, Teardrop flipped her over mid-air, causing her point to dig into the top of the wall and stick there. "Ack! I'm stuck!"

"Sorry, Pin," apologized Coiny, who had been right behind her. He clambered over and kept going. As Woody and Golf Ball approached Pin, she complained, "Please don't tell me Woody will have to climb me!"

Woody nervously reached out, but Pin shoved him hard before he could do anything. The balsa slab slid backwards; Golf Ball successfully jumped over him, but Rocky didn't. As Woody collided with him and spun off the edge of the obstacle course, Rocky flew into the air and conveniently landed on the other side of Pin's wall. "Of course," Pin muttered.

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