Part 1

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"Jieun! You're home!" Jimin says excitedly as he pokes his head around the door frame.
Jieun looks up at the boy tiredly, "Hey, Jimin," She kicks her heels off and kicks them toward the shoe rack, not bothering to place them neatly.
"Did it not go well?" Jimin asks, noticing how tired his roommate looked.
Jieun walks past the boy into the main area of their shared apartment, "It was better than the other ones, but it wasn't a yes," She places her bag down on the floor.
Jimin looks confused, "What do you mean?"
"Jieun!" Taehyung calls from the couch. Jieun looks up to see him on the couch in their living room, leaning heavily into Jungkook with an oversized hoodie on.
"Hey, Tae," Jieun smiles. Taehyung was such a calming and pure presence, both she and Jimin agreed that he was like their little happy and energy pill when they felt down.
"What did they say?" Taehyung asks, not even trying to remove Jungkook's arm from around his body.
"Okay, so here's what happened," Jieun sits on the other couch, facing the two boys, "The guys told me that my portfolio is really good, but he needs a men's designer."
Jimin sits down next to her, brow creased, "What does that mean?"
"I have to make an entire portfolio of men's clothing," Jieun sighs, sinking back into the couch, overwhelmed by the daunting task in front of her.
"You'll be fine, let's think about this," Jimin says, trying to keep morale up, "How long do you have?"
Jieun tilts her head, "I have nine weeks, it all has to be done the week after graduation. Apparently, the position is opening up then."
They all sit in silence, even Jungkook paying attention to the conversation.
Taehyung sits up, moving Jungkook's arm from around his shoulders, "How many things do you have to make for a complete portfolio?"
Jieun looks up at the Photographer, Taehyung was probably the only other one in the room who knew how much work went into a portfolio.
"Like 15 to 20 items, and some have to be full outfits, not just one thing," Jieun says, dragging her hands through her cropped hair with a defeated sigh.
Jimin and Jungkook's eyes go wide, and Taehyung nods, thinking hard.
"You got this Jieun!" Jimin says, scooting closer to her on the couch, "I've seen you churn out clothes like nobody's business," he tries to assure her with a smile.
Jieun gives the boy a rueful smile reaching her hand toward him. Jimin's love language was touch, She Taehyung and Jimin had an in-depth conversation about love languages a few years ago, and they all agreed that they would never judge each other for their preferences on anything, giving and receiving love included.
Jimin quickly lays down with his head in Jieun's lap and she quickly begins to comb her fingers through his black hair.
"There is only one problem, Jimin, my love," She tells him.
He looks up at her, worried for the fifteenth time since she had come home from her interview at the fashion company.
"When I make my clothes, I normally do it for me, my body. I can try them on at will. If I'm making clothes for male bodies, I need male bodies around to test the clothes on," She explains, sighing again as Jimin's face falls.
"My law study program starts on Monday," the boy looks as though he is about to cry, wanting to help but not able to.
Jieun smooths his forehead out with one finger, "Jimin, it's fine, don't feel bad. You have your own career to work on, I don't expect or want you to compromise your law degree for my clothes."
"But I'm your best friend, Ji, I should be there whenever you need me to be," Jimin argues, crossing his arms.
"Would you want me to drop my clothing assignments just to help you study?" Jieun challenges the boy who rolls his eyes but shakes his head.
"I get it," he says with a huff, "I still feel bad though," he insists but relaxes again.
Jieun looks up at the other two boys sitting across from her, wrapped up in each other again.
"I know you both don't have the time either, don't even start," She gives them both a warning look. Jungkook gives her a lopsided smile but Taehyung frowns.
"Tae, I know but you have to focus on your business and homework," Jieun says. Taehyung looks dejected.
"What if I promise to focus on that but like maybe while I'm editing you can still use me?" Taehyung asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.
Jieun contemplates the suggestion before nodding. "Sure, that should be fine, I should be able to make a sizable dent in the amount that way."
Taehyung beams, happy that he would be able to help in some way.
"I can help some too. I have my internship starting soon, but I'm here all the time anyway," Jungkook adds. Jieun nods, the boy was there whenever Taehyung was editing or had free time, preferring the apartment to the dorms.
"What are you gonna do for the rest of them?" Jimin asks quietly, almost scared of the answer.
Jieun stares into space, "Maybe I can bribe Yoongi to just come to live here for the next two months instead of him just visiting for a few days here and there. Unless you guys know anyone else, I could ask?"
"Tae knows like everyone, he should be able to find you, someone," Jimin suggests, making Taehyung fully sit up, surprising his boyfriend with his sudden movement.
"I do know everyone, let me see," He pulls out his phone, presumably to scroll through his contact list.
Jungkook recovers, smiling at Tae before his eye go wide, "What if we put out an ad? Then anyone who is on campus could hear about it. I bet we could find someone real easily."
Taehyung quite literally throws his phone in excitement, "Yes! Let's do that, Jungkook omg we have to start writing it now," He demands, leaning into the younger again. Jungkook looks at him for a second before navigating around on his phone for a second. The two quickly become consumed by the task of drafting an ad for a male interested in trying on new clothes. Jieun and Jimin watch them in silence for a few minutes, Jieun answering a few random questions that they asked periodically.
"I hope this works," Jimin comments finally.
"I hope whoever they find isn't a creep," Jieun responds, still softly combing through Jimin's hair as he fiddles with the hem of her shorts.
"True, I didn't even think of that," Jimin says, looking up at Jieun, suddenly apprehensive.
Jungkook pipes up, having heard the comments, "We will vet them don't worry," He assures them.
"I'll make sure they pass the vibe check," Taehyung adds, not looking up from the phone.
Jieun chuckles, "Okay Tae, I'm trusting you, find me a man," she stops, making a face as the others look at her, "I could have chosen better phrasing for that."
"Don't worry, Jieun, we will find you a man," Jungkook winks at Jieun and she throws a pillow at the younger.
"You know that's not what I meant, dummy," She rolls her eyes immediately apologizing to Taehyung for calling his boyfriend a dummy.
Taehyung smiles, accepting the comment before turning back to the phone as he and Jungkook finish their ad.
"I'm hungry, we should order pizza," Jimin suddenly says, sitting up on the couch.
Jieun watches him with a blank face.
"What? Why are you giving me that look?" Jimin asks, confused.
"We have time today, let's cook and order something another day," Jieun says. Jimin stares at her, his face blank this time.
"You should make us all some pasta," Jungkook pipes up from the other couch.
"Actually, that sounds good, I'm down," Jimin quickly agrees.
"I just love how you volunteered us to make you food," Jieun teases Jungkook who just shrugs turning back to his phone. "Let's do it Jimin," she tells the other boy. They stand and walk into their small kitchen, starting their dinner preparations.

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