Part 5

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Hi, Author here! 

*TW* there are mentions of a character (who we don't know) death. It's very mild, just mentions really, but if that is triggering to you, please skip the sections between the **** if that is triggering to you! Thank you! 

"Jin! Stop staring out the window and get back to work, Yoongi isn't in town anymore!"
Jin turns around, giving Bora a bored look, "I told you, Yoongi isn't my type," He gets back to cleaning the counter anyway.
"I swear, you need to get over Namjoon, go find someone else!" Bora says with a shake of her head. They both turn to the door as it opens, revealing Jackson.
Jin smiles, "Hi Jackson, how have you been?" Jin greets him as he walks up to the counter.
Bora wiggles her eyebrows before turning to go check on Jeno and Jaemin in the back.
Jackson hung out for a while, chatting to Jin while the café was slow, Bora grinning the entire time.
Suddenly Namjoon enters the café, grinning when he sees Jackson.
Jackson practically tackles the professor with a hug, Jin grimacing slightly, wishing he and Jackson's places were swapped.
The two talk for a few minutes, catching up before Jackson leaves with his coffee.
Jin smiles as best he can as Namjoon walks up to the counter, "Hi, how are your classes going?"
"Good!" Namjoon looks slightly surprised that Jin was asking, "Thank you for asking, sometimes they can be challenging, but I've got good kids this semester."
Jin nods, "Do you have Jieun?"
"Yes, I do," Namjoon smiles, "She's definitely an interesting student, she's gonna go far if she keeps up her pace."
Jin smiles softly, secretly proud of the girl he had watched grow the last four years, "She's a special one, lots of the kids that come in here are, don't get me wrong, but she'd got a spark of something different."
Namjoon nods, "She really does, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it," He glances up at the menu as if he doesn't order the same drink every time he walked into Jin's café. Jin hides a knowing smile as Namjoon orders his drink and pays.
Jin quickly makes the drink and hands it over, watching disappointed as Namjoon turns to leave, "See you next time!" Jin calls after the professor.
As Namjoon waves goodbye, Jimin comes slinking into the café, glancing around nervously, face relaxing slightly when he sees Bora cleaning a table in the back of the café.
Jin watched him with a curious gaze as he walked over to Bora.
"Oh good, you're here," Bora stood up straight, "How was lunch?"
Jimin shuffles from foot to foot, "Good, um, it stayed down?" Jimin says hesitantly.
Bora nods, "I have something for you to take back to campus, hold on."
Jimin stands where she left him, slightly scared of what the girl was going to bring him from the back of the café.
"What's going on today Jimin?" Jin asks walking over to the younger man.
Jimin clears his throat, "Bora told me to come and talk to her every day after my last class, I'm kinda scared of what she will do if I don't listen," He whispers the last part, smiling when Jin laughs in agreement.
Bora comes back out with a container in a bag, holding it out to Jimin who takes it hesitantly.
"What is it?" Jimin asks cautiously looking inside the bag.
"Healthy calories," She pats Jimin's shoulder, "Make sure you eat them at your study group. I have Jungho's number now remember," She gives him a warning look before grabbing her cleaning things and walking away.
Jimin gives Jin a half-hearted smile before turning and walking out, heading to the study group in the library.
Jin watches him leave and then shrugs, whatever had just happened was none of his business. Even though it was literally in his business.

"Jimin, you made it!" Jisung says with a smile as Jimin walks into the study room.
Jongho eyes the bag of food in Jimin's hand, watching him put it down on the table. They quickly started the study session, Jisung wanting to make up for some of the lost time now that Jimin wasn't attending as much as they had originally planned.
Jimin manages to slowly eat the container of fruit that Bora had given him, Jongho occasionally nudging the box with a pencil to remind Jimin to keep eating.
Taehyung shows up just before dinner time, signaling the end of the study session for the day.
Jieun had made a simple meal for them all, Hoseok crashing the end and eating some as Taehyung pulled Jimin into his room, needing to watch the older for the next two hours.
"So, we've been making good progress," Jieun says, watching Hoseok shovel rice in his mouth.
He looks up at her, "It has been three weeks already," He says to himself.
"True, but it's going faster than I thought it would be, I think I've gotten a third of yours done, most of Yoongi's, Taehyungs, Jimin's, and Jungkook's. I just need to finish a few things on all of those."
Hoseok nods, "And we still have five weeks left!"
"I'm actually kinda impressed with myself, it's going well."

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