Part 3

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TW: ED mentioned (I'm not an expert on ED's so I'm sorry if it's not accurate to anyone's experience)

When Jieun's alarm goes off the next morning she reaches for her phone, forgetting that there was an entire person sleeping on top of her. Taehyung stirs, frowning at the movement below his chest.
"Crap," Jieun breathes out, quickly brushing her hand through Taehyung hair to settle him. Her phone was still buzzing across the room and Jimin was probably already gone for the day.
A loud thud comes from the other side of the wall, where Jieun's room was. She freezes, was Hoseok still here? She reaches again for her phone, moving slowly to not jostle Taehyung.
She checks it, finding a text from Jimin telling her he was leaving, a text from Jungkook assuring her that Taehyung could stay home in the morning, he didn't have anything until his 11 o'clock class. Her phone buzzed in her hand, a new text coming through from Hoseok.
She quickly read it, he was still here but leaving, assuming that the apartment was empty. He was secretly kinda spooked that he had slept through the night in someone else's bed.
A moment later Jieun hears the front door lock behind the man, and she sighs, making the split decision to skip her first class and sleep in with Taehyung.

When she woke up again, an hour later, Taehyung was awake, still cuddled into her but he had rolled onto his back, pulling her along with him.
He was playing with the ends of her hair and staring up at the ceiling.
"Tae?" She lifted her head off of her friend's shoulder, startling him out of his thoughts.
"Ji, you scared me," Taehyung breathes out, looking apologetic for jostling the girl.
"Sorry," She mutters, relaxing back into Taehyung's arms. A moment later he begins to hum, knowing she was awake, and it wouldn't bother her.
"Tae," She interrupts after the second time he restarted the song, "Do you want to talk about yesterday? You seemed fine when I saw you at lunch," She waits quietly, knowing that if her friend wanted to talk, he would.
Taehyung sighs, "Some guys came in later that day asking for photos," He starts, wrapping his arms around Jieun to ground himself, "I had my camera and some time, so I said yes, but they were just luring me away from the crowds."
Jieun tenses, not liking where this story was heading.
"And I just followed them, they didn't do anything physical, just called me names and being homophobic before leaving," Taehyung finishes shakily.
"I'm so sorry Tae," Jieun says looking up at her friend's face, and patting his chest.
Taehyung sighs, hiding his face in Jieun's hair.
"If you ever see them again, call me so I can come to beat them up for being mean to my Taetae," Jieun says, trying to lighten the mood.
Taehyung chuckles, "That would be funny," he sighs, "Thank you for taking care of me Ji."
"Of course, Tae, I'll always be here for you," Jieun says. They lay quietly for a few more minutes, "What time is it?" Jieun asks finally, stretching.
Taehyung loosens his grip on Jieun, reaching for his phone. They both groan, seeing the time on the screen.
"We gotta get up," Jieun says grumpily. She pats Taehyungs chest once more, pressing down slightly to sit up on the bed. Taehyung slaps at her hand, sitting up himself.
They both managed to get out of bed, heading to campus together, Taehyung leaving Jieun at the front door of the photography lab before she heads to the cafeteria to meet the girls.
They talk and eat, Jieun leaves early to bring Taehyung some food, knowing he hadn't eaten that morning either before heading to her math class.
It isn't until after the last class that she remembers to text Hoseok back.

Jieun: Hey! Sorry, it was a crazy night and morning for me, everything just slowed down right now.

Hoseok: hi! It's all good, sorry about crashing at your place!

Jieun: I totally didn't mind, I ended up needing to stay overnight with Taehyung anyway, it's a long story and not really mine to tell. Anyway, I wasn't using my bed.

Hoseok: I hope he's, okay?

Jieun: If he isn't already, he will be!

Hoseok: I'm glad!

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