Part 4

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When Jieun wakes up Saturday morning, she is in a panic. Jimin wasn't in the bed with her.
She jumps up, calling his name as she runs out into the common area of the apartment. She stops short, seeing Yoongi and Jimin looking at her from the kitchen area.
Jimin gives her a pleading look, Yoongi just looks confused.
"When did you get here?" Jieun says, walking the rest of the way over to the two men.
Yoongi checks his watch, "Like an hour ago," he says, putting a plate in front of Jimin.
Jimin looks at it but glances up at Yoongi and starts eating the eggs off the plate, giving Jieun a pleading look again.
Jieun sighs, she wouldn't tell Yoongi about Jimin's eating if he didn't want her to. She sits down, "I thought you would get here later today."
Yoongi shrugs, "I was up all night with an overseas client, so I just came after that," He turns back to the stove, pulling more food out.
Jieun and Jimin have a silent conversation while Yoongi's back is turned. Jimin had always harbored a tiny crush on Jieun's brother. The younger man was pan but for some reason had a soft spot for Yoongi like no other. Yoongi of course was aware of the younger man's feelings but had set a few boundaries with the younger, making sure he knew where the two stood.
Jimin accepted Yoongi's side, admiring the man from afar, being his friend. But Jimin didn't want Yoongi to know about his unhealthy relationship with food, feeling like he would fail the older man in some way if Yoongi knew.
Neither Jimin of Jieun knew, but Yoongi was aware of the issue, he was very observant even though he seemed to be minding his own business most of the time. One could only visit their younger sister so many times before figuring out what was happening in the apartment.
Yoongi quickly served himself and Jieun more of the food he had made Jimin, and the three talked about what was planned for the day.
"I should really go to study group, but Taehyung told me to stay home until he gets back," Jimin says, pouting at his half-eaten plate.
"Did he say when he's getting back?" Jieun asks, eating at the same pace Jimin was. Jimin shakes his head.
Yoongi looks up from his phone, "I have some work to do but I'll be quiet."
"You are always quiet," Jieun says rolling her eyes.
"Hyung, shouldn't you get some sleep?" Jimin says timidly, Yoongi had just said he was up the night prior.
Yoongi glances over, a hint of a smile on his face, "I probably should, the new project can wait a few hours," Yoongi didn't want Jimin to worry over him, agreeing to the idea quickly.
Jimin smiles happily to himself, managing a few more bites of food. Yoongi finishes his plate, puts the plate in the sink, ruffles both Jieun, and Jimin's hair, walks into the living room, and immediately falls asleep on one of the couches.
Jieun looks at her brother, shaking her head, "I will never understand how he can sleep that fast."
Jimin just smiles gently at the gray-haired man as Taehyung bursts into the room, back from wherever he went.
"Tae!" Jieun smiles, happy to see the boy, "Good morning."
"Hello!" Taehyung says with a grin, walking into the kitchen. Jimin quickly shovels the last few bites of food in his mouth, a disgusted look on his face.
"Where did you go?" Jieun asks, following Jimin's lead.
"The study group," Taehyung turns a chair backward and sits on it, resting his arms on the back, "They agreed that the hours seemed too long, so they are changing it to afternoons and ending early in the evenings."
Jimin looks up at his taller friend, "You talked to them?"
Taehyung nods, "I felt like I needed to, you were in bad shape, Minnie."
"You really were, I'm glad you will have more time to sleep and eat," Jieun agrees, taking both of the empty plates from the table.
Taehyung fills Jimin in on the plan, and they eventually leave for the campus, Taehyung plans to drop Jimin off every morning and pick him up every evening.
Jieun waves them off and quickly enters her room, starting a few projects for both Hoseok and Yoongi.
The day passes quietly. Taehyung came and went, bringing Jimin to campus, coming back to edit, leaving for a shoot, coming back to edit, and then going to meet Jungkook in the afternoon. Yoongi slept for a while before waking up and insisting on making Jieun and himself a late lunch, knowing that his sister took after him when focused, and probably would forget to feed herself.
After lunch, they both parted ways again, each to their own work. Yoongi had taken over the kitchen table, setting out his work instruments and laptop.
"Jieun!" Yoongi called her from the living room at 6 pm.
"What!" She yelled back, not wanting to leave her project.
"You have a visitor!" Yoongi called back. Jieun froze, it must have been Hoseok, she quickly stands up and walks into the common area. Hoseok was awkwardly standing in the doorway, unsure of who this cute, small man was.
"Hi!" Jieun says quickly, "Sorry, I haven't been checking my phone. This is Yoongi, my brother."
Hoseok smiles, understanding but taken aback, Jieun had never mentioned her brother the previous day when their families came up.
"Yoongi, this is Hoseok, he's helping me with the clothes thing," Jieun says, motioning for the younger man to come into the room.
"Hi, nice to meet you!" Hoseok says his friendly grin still in place. Yoongi gives him a once over and nods, "You as well," Before he spins away back into the kitchen.
Jieun rolls her eyes and leads Hoseok into her room. He shivers slightly, "He's kinda scary,"
Jieun chuckles, "Only cause you don't know him, he actually really liked you, I can tell."
Hoseok gives her a look that says he doesn't believe a word she had just said. Jieun just chuckles again, moving to show him the next thing she had made him.
Taehyung comes home with Jimin and Jungkook soon after, Jimin looking defeated and Jungkook spaced out.
Jieun asks Taehyung silently if they were okay and Taehyung glances into his room, leading her away from the others.
"I had to tell the study group not to let him go to the bathroom on his own, lunch didn't stay down today," Taehyung sighs, "Jungkook found out too, he apparently had no idea so he's in shock. Jimin's upset. Maybe Yoongi can help him?"
Jieun nods, "I'll go cuddle him or something until we all eat," she quickly ducks out of Taehyung's room, letting Jungkook go in with his boyfriend.
She finds Jimin in his room, shooting Hoseok a text that he could come out into the common areas, Yoongi might need help with dinner.
"Hey," She walks over to the boy sitting on the bed, looking forlorn. He glances up at her.
"Tae told me what happened, are you okay?" She sits on the bed next to him, taking his hand.
Jimin sighs, "I don't think so," He says, He knows he can't beat this relapse without help. Jieun nods, they have been in this cycle before.
"Let us help you, the more people who know, the more people will be here to support you,"
Jimin looks like he hates the idea but nods, "I know."
"I won't tell Hoseok if you don't want but we should tell Yoongi, he loves you, you know that right?" Jieun says, scooting closer to Jimin.
"Yeah, I know, tell them both," Jimin says quickly, his gaze still trained on the floor of his room.
"Alright," Jieun stands up, "We will get through this together. Come on out when you are ready," She smooths Jimin's hair back and he gives her a weak smile.
When Jieun tells Yoongi he just nods, already having picked up on the signs at breakfast. Hoseok looks shocked, stopping in the middle of chopping up some onion to gape at Jieun.
"Close your mouth Hoseok," Jieun says playfully, taking a step closer to him. He looks down at her with wide eyes.
"I know it's a lot, but the more people he has supporting him and making sure he keeps food down, the better," She tells him earnestly, "Would you be able to help us?"
Hoseok nods quickly, "Of course! Jimin is great, I can do anything you need me to," he effuses forgetting the knife in his hand.
Jieun flinches and he apologizes quickly, putting the knife back down before asking what he should do to help.
"Mostly we just make sure he eats, and then we sit with him until he's digested. It's best not to make comments about his body and weight, he could spiral."
Hoseok nods, Yoongi humming his agreement from the stove. Jieun quiets as Jimin comes out of his room, looking scared.
"Hey Min," Yoongi says, "How was your study group?"
Jimin looks up at the oldest, eyes filled with emotion. He wasn't sure what he had expected from the man but the fact that he was treating Jimin the same way as before he knew meant a lot to him. Yoongi smiles at him for a second before blinking at him, "Well? How was it? Learn anything?"
Jimin quickly sat down and began to recount the day, including all of Jungho's bad jokes and the cute comments that Jeongin made.
Hoseok watched Jieun's face relax while Jimin talked, that weird smile crossing his face for a moment before he got back to chopping the vegetables Yoongi had given him.
Jieun sits with Jimin, soon the food is ready and the two youngest come out of Taehyung's room, Jungkook stealing the seat on the other side of Jimin, feeling protective of his older friend.
Jieun matches her bites to Jimin's as the group chats over the meal.

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