INDIGO - Shift and the Case of the Missing Sandwich

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A/N - I have a vague headcanon that this happens sometime after Athira's been on the team for two or so weeks. 



Shift took a deep breath and steadied himself.

This was it--the final touch before his efforts would finally bear fruit.

He paused, ham slice in hand, and frowned as he considered the thought. Bear fruit was dramatic, sure, but it felt wrong, given the subject matter. There had to be something better--maybe that his vision would be realised?

Shift nodded, settling on the alternative.

The final touch, and his vision would be realised.

With a steady hand, Shift laid the slice of ham across the rest of his sandwich and sealed it within a piece of bread before taking half a step back to take in his creation.

This was it--the perfect sandwich, each layer of stuff between the bread precisely cut and placed to sit flat and have an even spread. The cheese, the spinach, the cucumber, tomato, onion, cheese, crumbed chicken, and finally ham, all neatly kept together by a well-planned slathering of garlic aioli and a light sprinkle of salt.

It was beautiful, and he couldn't wait to devour it.

Yet as Shift reached for the plate, the alarm for an alert began to ring through the base.

"Not me," whispered Shift, eyeing the air around him suspiciously. "Not me not me not--"

"Shift!" came Kione's voice over the speaker. "You're up, bud."

Shift gestured dramatically towards his sandwich. "I'm a little busy right now, Kione! Isn't there anyone else?"

"I'm sorry, I'll let the civilians know you'll be late because their crisis has so rudely interrupted your rather late lunch."

Shift groaned, but he'd had the sandwich safely secured in the fridge and was heading for the door before Kione had finished his sentence. He needed this alert dealt with as quickly as possible, which meant it was time to bring out the big guns.

"Thira!" yelled Shift as he ran to the prep room to grab his gear , knowing Kione would pass the message on. "You're coming with me!"


Some twenty minutes later, Shift arrived back at Indigo base dangling beneath Athira as she flew them in.

"I don't get it," said Athira as she let go of his hand and dropped him in front of the entrance. "If you were so sure you left the oven on, why not just tell Kione to check it?"

"Beeecause," said Shift, scrambling for a reason as he checked his mic was disabled for the third time. He gave her what he hoped was a knowing look and dropped his voice to a whisper. "You know how he is about leaving his lab."

Shift didn't wait to see her inevitably blank-stare reaction to his flimsy attempt at an excuse and darted inside. He raced up the stairs as fast as he could while cursing every single one of them for existing between him and his sandwich.

The kitchen was the exact mess he'd left it. He scooted between the kitchen benches and swung open the fridge, mouth already watering at the thought of his perfect sandwich waiting within.

Only, it wasn't.

Shift's heart nearly stopped at the sight of the empty plate where he'd left his sandwich. He grabbed it, wondering if this was some kind of nightmare when he finally registered the note taped to the edge of the plate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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