Guardian Angel

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        At the center of Gotham City sat a large statue of none-other than Batman. Engraved upon the statue that had been in tribute to The Caped Crusader read: In tribute to Bruce Wayne who gave his life to defeat Darkseid. The Joker had been unable to handle the death of his rival and secret crush. Trapped within a deep sorrow, The Clown Prince of Crime had made several attempts on his own life all of which had failed due to the chemicals that had been soaked deeply into his skin gifting him with rapid cell regeneration. This his how The Joker had managed to escape death so many times in the past.

        Every time The Joker would suffer from an injury, no matter how fatal it may be, his body would simply heal itself within a short amount of time. Many may have considered this a gift but The Joker considered it to be a curse, especially with the amount of emotional pain he had currently been suffering from. Recently, The Joker had begun to document his various, suicide attempts through film for no other reason than to just have control over something in his life. As The Joker stood upon the tallest building in Gotham, he set up his camera to record the next attempt. A lump of sadness began to sting his chest and throat as tears began to blur his vision.

        "My n-name is Jack Napier and t-this is attempt number forty-six..." The Joker choked upon a sob as he found himself unable to hold back his tears for any longer, allowing them to freely flow from his hazel eyes.

        "No matter how many times I try...I j-just can't seem to die...Am I going to live forever?" The Joker, now a broken man began to vent to the camera. He had nobody else left to talk to as even Harley Quinn had left him.

        Every time The Joker thought he had found love, the person he had made the mistake of falling for would either parish a horrible death or change so much that they would turn on him just as Harley had done. The Joker had also lost his pet hyenas to The Penguin; he truly had nothing left to live for in spite of just not being able to die. As The Joker stepped up onto the building's edge, wind whipping through his emerald hair, he hoped against all odds that something different would happen this time. The Joker closed his eyes before allowing himself to fall from the building. The clown did not even bother to scream this time, instead releasing a soft, shaky sob as the dense winds blew his face dry of any tears.

        Just as The Joker was preparing himself for the impact of the cold, hard concrete below, there was a bright flash before The Joker found that a pair of warm, strong arms were wrapped around him.

        "Could it be?" The Joker quickly looked up to see if whoever had just caught him had been his Caped Crusader. However, he was disappointed to find that the person who had caught him had been a raven-haired stranger of a man. Regardless, The Joker found that his face was beginning to heat up from a blush since he found this strange man to be attractive. The Joker also found the now-blushing stranger to be oddly familiar as well but he was unable to pinpoint just what exactly was so familiar about him.

        "A-Are you an angel?" The Joker stammered in surprise when this strange man was able to gently float to the ground with the clown still firmly wrapped within his protective grasp.

        "I am no angel..." The stranger sighed as a deep sadness began to show clearly within his bright-green eyes. The man had not meant to rescue the clown as he had simply appeared in the right place at the right time after having escaped from his own, crumbling Universe.

        "Then why did you save me? Who are you?" The Joker then inquired as the stranger finally placed him back down upon his feet.

        "I am Loki of Asgard..." The man, now known as Loki decided to only answer one of The Joker's questions, not fully wanting to admit that he did not truly intend to rescue him.

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