The Christmas Party

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        As the months passed, Loki and The Joker came to a mutual agreement that the way Barbara Gordon had spoken to Loki was unacceptable. As a result, the couple made plans to pull a prank on her in order to teach her a lesson and if they were lucky enough, hopefully get her fired so they would no longer have to deal with the strict way she ran the office making their lives miserable. The couple had decided to plan their attack for the office Christmas party where they would be able to effectively humiliate Barbara and ruin her reputation.

        "Did you bring it?" Loki questioned. He was dressed in a scarlet sweater with a white and black diamond pattern with his black, suit pants to match. His head was adorned with false, reindeer antlers as he held a red solo-cup within his hand that contained the Holiday punch.

        "You mean Lady Molly?" The Joker smirked as he removed the violet corsage from his green, 'ha!' Sweater. He gave the small, false flower a little shake in order to reveal the pills that were hidden inside of it as Loki gave a smirk of his own. With a snap of his fingers, Loki would have a dangerous amount of the pills dissolving within Barbaras drink without her even noticing.

        Loki's smirk grew into a sinister grin as he watched Barbara take the first sip of her tainted drink without the least amount of suspicion. It would not be long before the red-head would be making a fool of herself in front of all of her colleagues.

        "Oh, Tom?" The Joker had managed to grab the attention of his partner with a sing-song voice.

        "Do you see what I see?" The Joker mused once he had gained Loki's attention before pointing to the mistletoe. He then puckered up and began attempting to kiss Loki, a light-pink blush painting the bridge of his nose all the while.

        "Jack, please! Someone could be watching!" Loki scolded as he kept The Joker at a distance in spite of his own blush. Loki had always been the shy type and was therefor, uncomfortable with public displays of affection, especially at work. That, coupled with the fact that Loki was still somewhat in the closet about his Bisexuality as well as Barbara's clear disapproval of her employees dating. The last thing Loki needed was for the two of them to lose their jobs before their plan had even taken effect.

        "Aw, come on, Tommy; please?" The Joker then begged with his best, puppy-dog eyes.

        "Alright, fine..." Loki groaned, his blush deepening as he found himself unable to completely say no to his adorable partner. He then made sure Barbara was not paying attention before rewarding The Joker for his clever, prank idea with a quick peck on the lips. The small peck, alone was still enough to make the Joker melt as the clown began to giggle like a lovestruck fool. It was not long before the Molly began to take effect and soon, Barbara Gordon was dancing like a fool in front of all of her colleagues. Loki and The Joker found it especially amusing when Barbara tripped, falling on top of the catering table as a result.

        "That was crazy! I never would have taken Barb' for a Holiday drunk..." One of the other, male coworkers decided to attempt to start a conversation with Loki and The Joker of whom both nodded in agreement with matching smirks of mischief. Commissioner Gordon had since been called to collect his now, unconscious daughter.

        "Anyways, do you guys wanna help us clean up?" The coworker then requested.

        "Sorry but we have to get going..." Loki then excused them with his smirk still in place.

        "Yeah, we have to pee really, really bad!" The Joker then added a terrible lie that earned a gentle nudge from Loki in turn.

        "Oh? Well, we do have a bathroom..." The coworker awkwardly pointed out.

        "Oh? Well, you know? Tom has this thing about public restrooms..." The Joker then admitted which provoked Loki to blush from embarrassment. Although The Joker was not entirely wrong about this fact, it was still embarrassing for Loki to have people know about it.

        "Understood...Well, you two get home safe!" The coworker then beamed before leaving to help clean up the mess that had been created by the inebriated Barbara.

        "Alrighty! Merry Christmas!" The Joker then giggled before happily hugging Loki's arm as he followed his lover out to the car. Once they had arrived back to The Joker's hideout, it did not take long for Loki and The Joker to begin engaging within another session of passionate, tongue wrestling in order to celebrate their little victory over their cruel boss. Both men were barefoot as well as shirtless as Loki had The Joker pinned to the couch, straddling him. The Joker's face had been completely painted red with a blush as Loki began to plant small kisses along his neck and collar-bone.

        The Joker shivered with arousal and released a tiny moan as Loki slowly moved down his chiseled, milky chest and all the way to his stomach. Loki then released a small growl of irritation when their moment had been interrupted by a violent banging at the door.

        "You know? We don't have to get it..." The Joker pointed out, still blushing furiously. Loki was tempted to take up his lover's suggestion since he truly did look beautiful at the moment. Loki leaned in for another kiss but was horrified to then take notice of an enraged Barbara peeking in through their window. Loki released a swear beneath his breath as he watched Barbara's look of fury slowly turn into a sinister grin.

        She had them now as she whipped out her Cellphone to snap a quick picture of them. Not only did she have proof that the two were in a relationship, which was against company policy but she now also had proof of The Joker's true identity since she had managed to snap a picture of him without his wig. Loki was quick to hop off of his lover and grab his sweater as he rushed to the door to confront Barbara.

        "What do you think you're doing?!" Loki demanded as The Joker rushed to his aid, still half-naked.

        "You two are going down...Sure, people around the office are going to whisper about me being a sloppy drunk for a while but this? I don't know how you two managed to do what you did to me at the Christmas party but once I post this to the internet, your lives will be over!" Barbara gloated as she triumphantly held up her evidence. Loki was prepared to use his powers to destroy her phone when he was suddenly distracted by The Joker grabbing his shoulders and protectively pulling him closer.

        "H-How?" The Joker gasped as Loki's attention was finally drawn to the intimidating jester that had just stepped out of the shadows. The Joker's countenance held an expression of absolute despair. How had she managed to find his hideout?

        "Harley?!" Barbara gasped softly as her own expression turned to a look of fear. The realization that she was now surrounded by three, dangerous criminals without her Batgirl gear had finally begun to sink in.

        "B-Barbara? Barbara?! Y-You need to leave..." The Joker attempted to warn her as Harley slowly removed a Pistol from her jester satchel along with a silencer.

        "What's going on?" Barbara then looked to The Joker for answers of whom she had never seen this frightened in all of her life.

        "P-Please! Just tell us what you want!" The Joker begged, on the verge of tears as now, even Loki began to appear nervous.

        "To talk..." Was Harley's only response as she began to screw on the silencer.

        "I seem to be in the middle of something...There's no need to..." We're Barbara Gordon's final words before her brains were carelessly blown out by Harley Quinn.

        "Oh, crap!" The Joker gasped as Loki released a scream.

        "Oh, my stars!" Loki covered his mouth in horror as he watched Barbara's lifeless body fall to the ground, her tongue hanging from her mouth as blood began to pool beneath her.

        "No! No! No!" The Joker sobbed as he and Loki both began to cling to each other for comfort. Both were now in tears as they hated their boss but did not wish for her to die.

        "Shhhh...Let's talk..." Harley then smirked after shushing the two with a sinister grin.

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