Best Day Ever

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        The following morning, Loki had awoken to the sweet scent of pancakes. It took Loki a few moments to remember where he was as he sat up to rub the crust from his puffy, red eyes. It was then that the raven-haired alien took notice to The Joker using his kitchenette to cook breakfast for the two. The clown had since changed into some more, casual clothing: A violet Polo-shirt and a pair of jeans.

        "Good morning, Lo-lo! Did you sleep well?" The Joker then cheerfully greeted with a sweet smile.

        "Not particularly..." Loki groaned as he ran a hand through his silky, black hair. His nose was stuffy and his head was pounding.

        "Well, some pancakes and coffee oughta help you wake up!" The Joker then beamed as he set the table.

        "You made me breakfast?" Loki questioned as The Joker's kindness towards him had never ceased to surprise him.

        "I sure did! Dig in!" The Joker beamed as he and Loki both took a seat at the table to enjoy their breakfast. Loki and The Joker then proceeded to eat their breakfast in an awkward silence. Loki simply had too much on his mind to begin a conversation whilst The Joker found himself becoming too nervous around Loki to speak for reasons that he was currently unable to pinpoint.

        "Yes?" Loki then inquired with a glare that made The Joker realize just how intently he had been staring at the raven-haired alien.

        "Oh, I was just thinking: Perhaps, I could show you around Gotham today!" The Joker beamed with an anxious grin as he felt himself begin to sweat a little.

        "Alright..." Loki agreed as he secretly began to observe The Joker's mannerisms in order to figure out just why exactly he was so nervous around him. Loki then remembered that he just naturally had that effect on people before shrugging it off.

        "Really?!" The Joker perked up at Loki's agreement before seeming to relax a little.

        "I was also thinking we could perhaps see a movie or go to lunch or pull a few pranks!" The Joker then began to ramble until Loki placed a hand over his in order to stop him, his touch causing the clown to blush.

        "Darling, please; you had me at mischief..." Loki then smirked before using his magic to change into his black suit, provoking The Joker to giggle sheepishly in response. Loki and The Joker would then proceed to spend the day wreaking havoc on all of Gotham by pulling various pranks on the citizens. The Joker would throw water-balloons at people only for Loki to use his magic to trip them once they got up to chase the clown. The two would then proceed to go to the beach where they would continuously pour shampoo on the heads of people washing their hair in the public showers then eventually, fake blood.

        Next, the two men would go to the park where The Joker would toss a special coin into the water-fountain that would make the water bubble out of the fountain in a fizzy mess.

        "Watch this..." Loki then snickered before stomping his foot, ultimately causing the ground beneath them to turn to ice. As a result, the people attempting to flee from the fizzing fountain would slip and fall. Loki collapsed onto a nearby bench from laughter, The Joker soon falling into his lap due to having slipped on the ice, himself. The Joker then proceeded to burst into laughter as Loki assisted him in sitting up.

        "This is the most fun I've had in ages!" Loki chuckled as The Joker began to blush at the fact that he was sitting upon his idol's lap as well as just how close they were. Before The Joker could think of a reply, his thoughts were interrupted by a tingling sensation in his lower abdomen.

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